Amanda Linette Meder

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The 3 Most Important Things To Say To A Psychic Child

Photo of adult holding child in green field with golden light by Daria Obymaha from Pexels

Updated 2020.09.29

As a now adult psychic medium, I identify with being a post-psychic child.

At one time, I was a little girl who saw spirits and didn’t understand what was happening. I’d wake up terrified in the night with things in my room and I’d have ‘nightmares’ while awake.

I actually described my experiences to my parents this way - I would see things, in my bedroom at night, while I was awake. We called them nightmares you have while you are awake.

You get the picture.

And while it wasn’t every night, it was frequently enough that I was waking up throughout the night expecting to see something.

I even got a unicorn night light to help with my fear of the dark, I had a few stuffed animals that smelled like jelly beans to help with psychic protection and when things got bad enough - I just ran to my parents room and slept there instead.

I was a regular fixture in their bed, and I’m sure they were sick of it from time to time.

Wishing they could tell me what was going on or why, many times, my back was rubbed, I was comforted and told simply to go back to sleep.

Each time I experienced something, I tried hard to explain what I saw and thankfully, I did have one person that believed me.

If you are reading this right now, you might be a parent of a psychic child - wondering, how can I best support my little girl or little boy?

And I want to help - by sharing with you the three most important things I wished had been said more when I was growing up as a little girl who saw ghosts.

First, know that it’s not essential that you have the answer to everything or understand it all yourself. No one has that or can do that - even the most well-read and experienced psychic medium.

While learning as much as you can about psychic and mediumship abilities and how they manifest can most certainly help, and I strongly encourage you do this - it’s most important that your child feels safe, understood and like they have someone they can talk to who believes them.

So, without further ado - the most important things to say to your psychic child:

What Can I Do To Help My Psychic Child?

Photo of young child holding hand of larger human by StockSnap from Pixabay

1. “You can tell them to leave you alone”

By and large, Spirit does not visit children because they are trying to be scary, they visit children because children have less boundaries and culture conditioning than adults that prevent them from acknowledging Spirit.

Cultural conditioning is actually one of the main reasons adults don’t see Spirits anymore. Someone or a series someones along the way saying things like this, can really shut down any psychic abilities that are developing:

Oh, that’s just your imagination! That’s not real!

Don’t talk about that nonsense at the dinner table anymore!

Stop scaring people!

Go back to bed, it was just a dream.

And after a time of this, you decide Spirits aren’t real and you won’t see them anymore.

You close your eyes tightly night after night, hiding under your covers and hope to God you stop seeing these things. You pray, really. You beg for it to stop. And one day, it does. For a while anyway.

Anyway, Spirit visits children because they notice and can see Spirit - no one has told them it isn’t real yet, like perhaps a few people have told you along the way.

And just as your child can tell their cousin or little sister to get out of their room and stop playing with all their stuff - they can tell a Spirit to get out, too!

It’s easy, and your child needs to know they have control and power over their space and boundaries.

Just as you would teach a child to stand up against a bully, you may also teach a child to tell a Spirit to get out of their space and leave them alone. I’ve written a post on how you can tell Spirit to back up in your life -  please read it, and teach it to your child.

Boundaries are important. And, it’s important that your child doesn’t feel at mercy at any random individual trying to get their attention at bedtime. They have control. They can tell people and things to leave them alone. But they need to know it’s possible, first.

2. “I believe you”

This is a highly important one. No matter what - what your child is experiencing and believing they are experiencing is real and it is true. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not a reality to someone else.

It is their reality, it is their experience and it is just as valid and worthy of acceptance as your experience, mine or your neighbor who doesn’t allow dogs on his lawn.

If your child feels like no-one believes them, this can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness and sadness. Just as you desire to have someone who shares your experience with you - everyone wishes for this.

We all wish for someone to believe in our life, our path and our experience.

You and I, we both want someone else to validate our experiences as real and worthy of acknowledgement. It’s a symbol of acceptance and human love.

It’s not enough to say, “I believe that you believe,” when people say it to me, I know they are just trying to be nice. It's easy to read right through that. You have to really believe or understand or connect them with someone who does. If not, feelings of isolation can really set in.

And remember, children and adults alike are experts at reading body language. Your body language must truthfully align with the words that you speak. In other words, if you say that you believe your child - make sure you do not say it unless you are prepared to say it with your whole being.

I believe you = I love you

Both of these statements must be spoken with honesty in your whole Spirit in order to fully be acknowledged and felt.

If you don’t believe, that’s okay - but get to work on learning and reading and in the meantime, connect them with someone who does.

Here’s a list of my favorite books here - but I suggest reading books or watching movies about psychic children, too. The more you learn, the easier it is to understand. My favorite documentary for understanding psychic children is The Indigo Evolution - Available on YouTube.

3. “Do you want to talk about something?”

As a parent, a friend or a close confidant - you know when something is wrong with someone. You know when someone needs a chance to talk or an opportunity to tell someone how they feel. Many times, when I was a child, I would hesitate to tell people what I saw, because over time, I learned that it scared people.

In the reaction I got, both with words and body language, and in the things people would say in reply to what I would share  - I knew my experiences were frightening to others.

I certainly didn’t want to be seen as Wednesday from The Addams Family and I didn’t want to be labeled as an outcast.

As a child, I wanted to be accepted and loved and didn’t want to cause others to react to me negatively. I wanted friends. So, I stopped talking about things people didn’t want to hear.

It didn’t mean I stopped seeing things or having experiences - it just means I kept it inside and stopped telling anyone for like 15 years.

Eventually, I opened back up and it was because someone, a friend, genuinely asked me what was wrong. He actually cared and deeply and honestly wanted to know. And I, deeply and honestly wanted to tell someone after all those years of hiding, too.

Give your child a chance to share their experience with you, or with someone who may understand! Psychic abilities do tend to run in families, so it’s highly likely there is someone in your immediate surroundings that can understand and lend a compassionate ear.

By just integrating these phrases and practices into your life, you are helping your child feel more accepted, less alone and providing a place to be safe. 

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Tips for a psychic kid - The 3 Most Important Things To Say To A Psychic Child text overlay photo of adult holding child in green field with golden light by Daria Obymaha from Pexels

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