Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Manifestation Techniques for Beginners

Photo of orange-red cactus bloom by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

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The law of attraction is the seed principle behind manifestation, which is the idea that you can bring what you see and sense intuitively to life. 

Manifestation is a spiritual technique that beginners can practice, with minimal experience in metaphysics and intuition science. 

For this reason, manifestation is a fun topic to cover with others. Because of its simplicity, it is also fairly easy to incorporate in your life.

Manifesting is the idea that you can generate energy around a particular topic or idea, and make it appear in the physical. It suggests that by focusing on a goal or intent you have in life, you use the law of attraction that like attracts like, and you can purposefully bring about experiences and desires in your life.

It takes away the notion that life is 100% chaos, that we are victims of chance, empowering each person to think that life is partially a chain reaction you can direct using thought.

Using mainly thought and emotional directing tactics, manifestation requires only one to be open to receive what comes and appreciate it.

To begin manifesting, these tips below can help you start - 

Photo of orange cactus bloom by Noel Ross from Pexels

1 - Get into your home zone energy

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To manifest or bring a soul’s intent into a physically dense form, it makes sense to get in touch with your highest self. If you aren’t aligned to your soul’s intent, you are out of your power place and thus can’t bring anything forward.

Do whatever you need to do to get into a good feeling state. 

Listen to upbeat music, make your favorite drink, read some good news, or step outside and go for a brisk walk. Once you feel good, you’re in your home zone and primed to manifest.

2 - Begin with something small

A great place to begin manifesting and calling into your life intentional experiences is with a small goal, something small you desire.

Because manifesting is based on the idea that your thoughts direct the physical to some extent, you must first think and focus on what you want.

When you get what you want, even in small ways, the easier it will be to commit to practicing the law of attraction principles over time. This means you will have more success in the long run.

So starting with a small goal is a good idea if you are beginning in the practice of manifestation.

In manifestation, know that it is believed the Universe helps you. It responds to your energy. So if you aren't sure what to manifest yet, that's okay. The Universe around you may know.

For this one, repeat:

Universe, please send me a blessing, a gift I would not usually receive.

If you would not like to leave it so open and be surprised, a few small things to manifest for beginners are:

  • A cup of coffee

  • A free meal

  • New clothing

  • Free food for your animals

  • A new business client

  • A parking spot close to the entrance

Wait for 24 hours and see if the Universe sends you a small gift, paying attention to unforeseen positive encounters, items, or resources coming your way. 

3 - Use affirmations to generate energy around your intent

Choose a goal of 1-2 big things you want to manifest. Then use affirmations to radiate this energy in your auric field, boosting your ability to attract what is also seeking you. 

Affirmations are verbal statements you say internally or externally, which when repeated, guide your thoughts.

Thoughts produce emotions, and emotions create actions. 

Actions, either those inspired by us or others, ultimately create a manifestation - a metaphysical goal, intent or thought crystallized in physical form.

To use an affirmation for manifesting, choose one to three short statements representing your intent, your goal - what you want to manifest. 

You can think of them yourself or use an inspirational card deck, affirmation generator, or affirmation book.

My favorite tool for grabbing affirmations digitally is the Affirmations Room by Orin & DaBen

My favorite physical affirmation resources are:

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Simply head to whichever guide works for you, and choose an affirmation, and repeat your selected statement reflecting your goals once per day for at least thirty days. 

This timeline helps to cement a pattern or a direction to go, allowing all the energy you built up from saying them to spread out from there.

So to recap, to start manifesting as a beginner - 

  • Get into your home zone energy, which is the mood in which you feel happy, joy, or bliss

  • Start with something small, and see what the Universe brings you

  • Choose a goal of what you want to manifest and then use affirmations to get it to stick in your energy field

Manifestation is a set of metaphysical techniques. You become skilled at it through practice, starting with those above, and it is also a spiritual gift. 

It is the ability to generate and draw energy using the law of attraction that states like attracts like. If you have success with manifesting right away, it could be a spiritual gift of yours.

Manifestation principles continue to work overtime, often with or without your conscious awareness. 

The more you feed your energy field with a certain idea, the more that idea is drawn to you, eventually creating circumstances and bringing objects, and people into your life. Thus, knowing about manifesting helps you become conscious in your own life.

By intentionally using the law of attraction through manifestation, it is thought that you can direct or co-create what is realized in your life. 

Using manifestation techniques, you are no longer 100% committed to the whims and chaos of nature and become a part creator in your life. 

For this reason, a manifestation is an incredibly empowering spiritual practice and one that is typically fun to practice. It is common to see results when practicing the manifestation techniques of the law of attraction, such as those listed above - so make sure to keep a log of your adventures!

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3 Manifestation Techniques for Beginners text over photo of orange-red cactus bloom by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

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