Amanda Linette Meder

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Hummingbird Symbolism: 8 Spiritual Meanings of Hummingbirds

Image of green hummingbird at flower by Enrique from Pixabay 

Native to the Americas, there are over 365 species of the smallest bird in the world - the hummingbird. 

They weigh about the same as a penny and like the dragonfly, they are very strong migrators - ruby throated hummingbirds can fly non-stop to cross the Gulf of Mexico. 

Some hummingbirds, usually males, have brightly colored feathers with iridescence that shimmers in the sunlight. 

Because of their iridescent feathers, they are often easy to spot when they’re around and a favorite of birdwatchers.

Naturalist John Gould gave the hummingbird many names due to their glittering feathers - fairy, hill star, wood star and sylph to name a few.

Because hummingbirds are easy to spot and see, they are often seen as symbolic messengers of the natural world.

Below are 8 spiritual meanings of the hummingbird:

Image of magenta, blue and green hummingbird on branch with water background by gene1970 from Pixabay with text overlay Hummingbird Symbolism: 8 Spiritual Meanings of Hummingbirds

1 - Do things quickly

Hummingbirds are fast.

They can fly at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. Their heartbeat can beat more than 1,200 beats per minute. They take 250 breaths per minute (source).

When a hummingbird crosses your path, it can be a sign to speed things up. See if you can get things done faster.

You may already know a few tasks you could speed up, and if so, focus on those first.

2 - Wear red

Scientists have discovered that a hummingbird’s favorite color is red. 

Red flowers stand out in high contrast amongst green foliage and this is one of the reasons why hummingbird feeders are often red. 

Hummingbirds appearing in dreams or meditations can be a sign that the color red may be helpful to you.

Consider painting your nails red, wearing red clothing or planting red flowers.

3 - Guard your resources

Hummingbirds can be territorial over flowers and feeders. They will chase other birds away from resources they’ve deemed as theirs to guard.

When a hummingbird appears, it can be a sign to protect your resources. Ensure your needs will be met by keeping a watch over your access to valuable caches.

4 - Use your memory to revisit places of abundance

A hummingbirds’ brain is 4% of its body weight, greater than any other bird species. They use all that brain power for memory recall and revisit areas with abundant food supplies they remember from the past.

If a hummingbird has come into your life, it can be a sign to use your memory to recall places, resources, people, and networks of abundance. 

Visit these places to see if your “honey hole” is still alive and well - you may find that it is.

5 - Hold on for a long journey

The Rufous Hummingbird flies 3,900 miles during its migration, one of the longest distances among all birds.

When a hummingbird appears, it can be a sign that whatever project, relationship or goal is in question, you’re in the journey for the long-haul. 

Conserve your energy to take the distance towards your goal in stride.

6 - Excel at deep rest

Hummingbirds sleep by dropping their metabolism, heart and respiration rates to a very low rate in a state known as Torpor.

They enter torpor to survive when they need to conserve energy, for example, during low temperatures or can no longer forage, like at night.

Hummingbirds can be a symbol of deep rest that is needed now. You may benefit from learning about ways you can get into a very cozy energy state to get that rest.

7 - Be relentless

Hummingbirds live a high energy lifestyle and to maintain it, they need to eat an incredible amount of food every day.

To get the food they need to live they travel long distances, switch from flowers to insects, and even eat in sapwells created by woodpecker holes.

They must eat all day to survive. To consume up to half their body weight in food per day, they must be relentless in seeking food.

If a hummingbird has come into your dreams and meditations, it can be a sign to continue to be very active in searching for what you need to live.

8 - Increase your energy efficiency

According to Bird Spot, hummingbirds have an incredible energy conversion efficiency for sugar to energy.

They can digest sucrose in 20 minutes at 97% conversion efficiency.

When a hummingbird appears, consider how you can convert your own energy sources into highly efficient results.

Image of blue green hummingbird on watercolor background by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

So to recap, 8 messages of the hummingbird:

  1. Do things quickly

  2. Wear red

  3. Guard your resources

  4. Use your memory to revisit places of abundance

  5. Hold on for a long journey

  6. Excel at deep rest

  7. Be relentless

  8. Increase your energy efficiency

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