Amanda Linette Meder

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December 2020 Cards of the Month

Photo of TLC for the Soul inspirational card deck with clear crystals on wooden table and aqua background wall

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December 2020 is almost here and that means it's time for the final edition of the 2020 Series, Cards of the Month.

We are almost through the year of perfect vision and seeing all that is true and real.

While most psychics and astrologers predicted 2020 to be a big year of changes, I don't think anyone could've fully comprehended how that would look for every person on Earth.

If you made it to be reading the December 2020 Cards of the Month, take a deep inhale and exhale.

You did it. You are here.

Where I am, we're about to move into the Winter Season, which is known as the season of Water or Intuition, and Winter has its beauty that can often only be described as breathtaking. So there's a lot to look forward to in the coming period.

Whether you are in Summer, Winter, or somewhere in between, welcome to the final edition of 2020's Cards of the Month - 

The Cards of the Month series is the collective energy reading for the month. It is also a showcase of the beautiful art masterpieces that Oracle, Inspirational and Tarot cards are. 

For the Cards of the Month, where each month on the Friday on or before the first of the upcoming month, I release card interpretations for the forthcoming month.

Doing energy readings for the month ahead, using cards, can be helpful because once you know the energetic influences of a situation, it's often easier to navigate.

How each card reading plays into your life is going to be different. 

Reading cards is art, so it's all in how you interpret it; you may pull something out of it that's completely different than what I say is the most crucial part. 

Usually, your interpretation will be more specific than mine, since mine is energy for the collective.

Go with the more specific interpretation that connects you to the energy. This is usually the area of focus of the card, or what the cards are speaking to in your life.

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Card one - The lessons of 2020, what was 2020 calling you to do

Card two - The gift of 2020, what did 2020 bring as a blessing

Card three - The light at the end of the 2020 tunnel, what's to come, into 2021 and beyond

To begin this interpretation, the deck is book-free, but it comes with three instruction cards that explain its origins, and how to use it, and each reading is on the back of the cards.

On one of those instruction cards, Gibson writes we

Photo of TLC for the Soul cards fanned out on wooden table

Start with a prayer, sing a song, light a candle, lie on the grass, pet an animal, or ponder a favorite memory - then select a card from the deck.

Take a minute to do that now if you want to, and then let's start with the first card, the lesson for 2020 - 

Card one - The lessons of 2020, what was 2020 calling you to do

Photo of TLC for the Soul card, Dig deep, with clear crystals and card deck case in background on wooden table with aqua wall

Dig Deep

When I pulled this card, I immediately smiled. If 2020 called us to do anything, it was to realize the strengths that we had to go forward.

Digging deep will bring you face-to-face with your gifts, strengths, and inner truth.

In 2020, this card tells me you realized some strengths of yours that you didn't know you had this year. 

The Dig Deep card imagery pictures blue and pink butterflies swirling around a dirt tunnel and then lush grasses and light on the other side of that tunnel. 

It shows life at the other side of the tunnel and the beings drawn to it, illustrating what the action of digging deep looks like on the page, here on Earth. It carries you to the light at the end of the tunnel.

The message on the back of the card reads:

What once seemed so right can suddenly feel strange.

Words don't seem to flow the way they used to, and now you don't know which way is "right side up." Ours is a time of spiritual advancement that is proceeded by a leap in consciousness. On the worldly side of things, your actions may appear clumsy and out of character. Some may mistakenly think you've lost your way. They may make suggestions to get you "back on track." Say "Thank you, I love you! I am safe in the arms of the Divine." Then dig deep and, when presented with an opportunity, enter this rite of passage with all the passion you can muster. There is no need for you to compromise at such a poignant time of transformation - just to quiet the fears of others. Be gentle with yourself, and try to move more swiftly toward bliss consciousness. 

So much advice this year. 

Was there a soul on this Earth who didn't receive a suggestion on how to "be" this year? It seemed there was one suggestion given almost every day unless you purposely quieted it by creating boundaries for it. 

Some of the offered advice this year was from fear, although with mostly positive intent, the good news is, you said thank you, and you dug deep instead.

In other words, you passed the spiritual lesson.

You found your north star, the answer, which was within. 

Consider it a soul level unlocked.

The real answers are within, we know them, we often need the focus, and the respect of space to reach them. 

While most suggestions on how to live do come from positive intent, they can also be distractions, especially if you already know what you need to do, which is to dig deep and clarify.

This year, you thanked the helpers and the fear mongers, and then you went inside and came up with the answer for you and it was right.

In the process of digging deep, we often find out what our core soul wishes are, the purest of our dreams, so given this card, chances are, you used all the chaos of this year as a repulsion point to bounce off of to get closer to the dream - and in knowing what that dream was.

So 2020's lesson was to dig deep and go with as much passion as you have towards what brings bliss consciousness about in you, letting all the outside advice fall away.

It's still 2020, so if you haven't done this yet, make it your goal this month to look for answers within on what needs to take place so you can experience the leap of consciousness towards the bliss 2020 was offering.

Given the imagery, and the message on the back, it shows moving to the light is the answer.

Ending the year, ask - what brings me a light? Am I giving time to this? How can I give more to it? What makes me happy at work? How can I invest more that way?

You will have answered the 2020 question.

Now that we know what the significant changes of 2020 were calling us to do, let's look at the gift this year gave us - 

Card two - The gift of 2020, what did 2020 bring as a blessing

Photo of TLC for the Soul card, Surrender, with clear crystals and stack of cards in background on wooden table with aqua wall


The art of Surrender. 

Before 2020, there was all types of spiritual excitement surrounding us entering "the 2020 ascension."

It was predicted in astrology and the psychic world that there would be lots of ascensions in 2020. By mid-March, it was clear some of the predictions were coming true.

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More recently, psychic Jenine Beecher shared her predictions in January of 2020.

Even if you are familiar with prophecies and fortune-telling, or study consciousness in a lab, some predictions take time to integrate and get used to, even when they do come to pass.

So no matter where you were, no matter what field, if you perceived change or not, the gift for 2020 was the ability to Surrender into these changes.

The gift of Surrender is something poets and prophets have been discussing for thousands of years. 

The beauty of surrendering is that you become the flow in the present and move with what is. In the process of surrendering, you see yourself and become one with the wave, sometimes feeling its energy move through you.

Surrender allows you to accept you are part of all that is and all that is, is part of you, in this moment now. Once you are mentally there, you can flow with any movement, because you are both the particle and the wave, the drop and the ocean.

When you have stepped into the essence of Surrender, you will know. It's a feeling. 

Usually, it comes with psychic tingling and a sense that you are now above all melodrama and in a total state of love. It's a feeling of being one with the breeze or the wind. 

You can also ask that the gift of Surrender be imparted on you by Spirit, and notice how you feel after that.

You can mimic Surrender's feeling in meditations, specifically those that open the Heart Chakra. You can mimic it when you envision yourself in your favorite place of beauty.

I've found some fragrances that smell like it.

At home, I like to become the gift of Surrender by imagining myself as floating air molecules while sitting in my desk chair.

On the card, Gibson writes, Surrender means: 

Lift it all up and out of you. Decide to no longer be the bearer of pain and separation.

When you Surrender, all fighting and strife end. The soul simply says no - I am one with all, including you and this moment.

Gibson's description of Surrender, the gift of 2020, continues on the back of this light-sky blue card:

Unknowlingly, you've carried these [pain and separation] long enough, as an act of justification for the wrongdoings of others. Hold nothing back from this moment of release. There is a bigger picture. Growth is taking root from the cracked seeding to be harvest out of the dry soil. Give everything to the Higher Powers - who are the light within all things. They are the silent listeners to every thought and will direct you every step. In your time of greatest need, and whenever you feel the most vulnerable, ask them for spiritual union. Every word you think meets the endlessly empathetic ears of your cosmic friends.

Did you give it over to God at any time this year? 

Ask Jesus to take the wheel a couple of times? 

Called your Spirit Guides for a sign to know that things are where they are and if so, what the next step may be?

Give it up and out, take some time to step into this energy this month and wrap up the feeling of Surrender you gained this year in a bow. 

You do have listeners who want to see your purest dreams manifest. They are with you and you are with them.

For a post asking Source a question with cards: Oracle Cards: How To Use Oracle Cards To Connect With Spirit

For asking your Spirit Guides for a sign: How To Ask For A Sign From Spirit

For calling Source forward: 4 Ways To Call On Your Spirit Guides For Support In A Hurry

To wrap up the year, feel the essence of Surrender, knowing there is a Divine Plan and you are one with it, and give yourself some time to explore this blissful energy and the knowingness that you gained this year.

You may have called in Surrendering to the moment a couple of times, and if so, you accepted the gift. When you Surrender and allow being shown how, perhaps by your Spirit Guides, comfort, and peace return, which is your eternal state. 

Card three - The light at the end of the 2020 tunnel, what's to come, into 2021 and beyond

Photo of TLC for the Soul card, Laugh it out, with clear crystals and card stack in background on wooden table with aqua wall

Laugh it out

Finally, we have the Laugh it out card for what's come, which shows a person with an umbrella walking through a sunny sunflower field.

It feels like the quintessential shake it off message, or the "But did you die?" meme you often see on Instagram regarding the life obstacles Spirit Guides often present and explain later.

Time to shake it off. If you are still walking this Earth, smile, you made it. Another year around the globe, and what a year it was.

This card is all about laughing, because the Spirit Guides thought that what happened in 2020 was part of the Divine Plan, and they were there with you the entire time. You were never helpless nor hopeless. You had tons of support.

Are you feeling too serious about all that transpired this year? 

Time to lighten up a bit, it was part of the collective dream of the planet, and your Spirit Team knew and was all in on it - plus, helping you through it.

The card's back reads:

Laughter untangles the knot of difficulties before despair can settle in.

Even serious situations are under divine management. To laugh is to feel good again by accepting the mysterious way of things. Ease up, in order to gain a fresh perspective. No matter how it looks, know this: Everything is as it should be. The divine has assigned a spiritual "guardian" to watch over you.

Did you accept all the invitations offered to laugh this year? If not, it's still early to receive and accept them this next month.

I know this much is true about spiritual work. 

Pretty much everyone has two to three of their spirit guides, in their energy at any time, guiding the way. This is why they say there are no mistakes, no accidents. 

There is a divine reason for all things, even this year, so it's time to ease up on the intensity of it all, and just step into joy, which is the essence of all that we are.

Did you feel this year that the intensity of "it all" guided you to hang back a little more? 

If so, this is what's to come for 2021, and you are already one step ahead of us. Thank you, future seer and visionary, for guiding us.

If you offered others opportunities to laugh and play this year, arranged something just to bring others laughter, shared glitter, fragrances, hobbies, or comic strips you enjoyed, thank you for showing the rest of us the way.

Stepping into funny or laughter invitations when they arrive is an excellent way to work with this card. 

If some opportunity is presented to you to laugh, take it, giggle this month and cash in on getting ready for the future - comics, old cartoons, even funny, ridiculous ideas shared late at night in the kitchen or through a messaging service. 

These are all offers to laugh this month, and as we move into 2021, take them. You're usually happier when you do.

As far as the psychic world was concerned, 2020 was a year of spiritual ascension, meaning many souls were having options to step into love and bliss. So if you showed the way, or opened your heart to joy despite all, you assisted in bringing the Earth up to a higher level of light. 

What's the point of living if we can't be happy sometimes? 

Even if we have to carve out a little funniness on Earth for an hour amidst the heavy, it's worth it.

According to these cards, it's also the way into the future, into 2021 beyond.

So to recap, for 2020

Photo of TLC for the Soul cards, Dig deep, Surrender, and Laugh it out, with a clear crystal under each one on wooden table with aqua wall

If you're a psychic, you already knew this was the year of ascension, planned to be as transformative and significant as the 2012-2013 ascension. 

When psychics talk about ascension, they usually mean a group of souls moving towards lives of peace in a collective, all at once. 

Ascensions are collective spiritual awakening processes, and they usually line right up to planetary alignments. 

How did you grow in your capacity to open your heart and your capacity for joy this year? 

How did you get closer to the depth and truth within you?

Did you take some time to Surrender to the mystery this year? 

Our lesson this year was to dig deep and look within during these transformational times. Know that putting boundaries on fearful advice this year was the right thing to do, if you applied them.

This year's gift was in knowing and becoming one with Surrender; many of us had to do that multiple times.

When stepping into Surrender, the more times you do, the easier it gets. 

What's coming for 2021, is lots of laughter - so are you ready for that? 

Are you interested in gearing up for that this December to show the souls around how to move there?

I certainly am.

So to end, thank you for tuning in every month this year, if you liked the 2020 Cards of the Month series. 

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December Free Oracle Card Reading. Photo of TLC for the Soul Oracle Cards fanned out on wooden table with text overlay, December 2020 // Cards of the Month.

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