Amanda Linette Meder

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Crow Symbolism: 8 Spiritual Meanings of the Crow

Photo of crow turned with beak facing camera by Kevin Burnell on Pexels

Crows are members of the Corvidae family of birds that includes both Blue Jays and Ravens.

They are birds known for their intelligence and there are now numerous studies available that illustrate their perceptual consciousness.

If you have been seeing crows in your dreams, or they appear in your yard or on your path, read on to discover the 8 spiritual meanings of crows:

Photo of full length crow on dusty brown soil by Mattrichmo on Pexels with text overlay Crow Symbolism: 8 Spiritual Meanings of the Crow

1 - Make a habit of giving to those you appreciate 

Crows recognize individual humans and occasionally leave objects for the people who feed them

These objects are usually small trinkets like lost jewelry or rocks, but nonetheless, they do seem to show an awareness of the importance of giving.

When a crow comes into your life, it can be a sign that reciprocity may help in your current situation. Giving a small gift to show your appreciation for someone you are grateful for can go a long way.

2 - It’s the end of a cycle

Crows often symbolize death, with a group of crows being called a “murder.” They are scavengers and sometimes viewed as messengers between the dead and the living.

Seeing crows can indicate you have come to the death of a cycle - perhaps an old pattern has ended, a belief system, or maybe someone who played an important role in your life has died.

Remember that all death begets new life; however crows appearing in dreams or meditations can be a sign that it’s important to pause and honor this death before moving on to the next stage. 

3 - Take time to soak in the risks and lessons associated with death

Crows have funerals for their dead. Some researchers believe that part of their purpose of gathering around their dead is to learn about the risks that caused the death. At a funeral, they may “talk” about the dangers associated with the death and how to avoid them.

There are lessons to be learned from death. You can use the power of ceremony to create positive change.

If you see crows symbolically when experiencing a death in your life, take a moment to soak in the lessons from the death and become smarter about the risks that may have led to it.

Doing so may help you and your clan become more resilient when faced with similar risks in the future. Do not let death mean nothing.

4 - Embrace adaptability to thrive

Crows are found all over the Earth, except Antarctica. They will eat just about anything from scavenging dead bodies to becoming vegetarian, and are known to develop their own regional dialects for each area they inhabit.

If a crow has spiritually come into your life, it may mean that you need to become more adaptable to thrive in current times. 

Perhaps it is as simple as eating new foods or as difficult as developing a new skill set, whatever it is, you may need to be flexible and willing to adapt to the environment you’re in now.

5 - Add planning to your problem solving

Crows are known to be very adept at solving puzzles placed before them. They will use tools and plan out their steps ahead of time to move in a sequence of behaviors to get the problem solved.

When solving any problem, think like the crow - be analytical, reason things through and consider your steps before you move. This can save you time and energy.

6 - Use the power of teamwork to go after something big

Crows have been witnessed in pairs and small groups going after large predatory birds, like hawks

Some wildlife observers think it could be to draw attention to the threat so the predators can’t go after other creatures by surprise. Others think it could be that hawks are threats and they are protecting their territory.

When crows appear, it can spiritually symbolize that to go after something big and scary, whether it is a goal or a risky undertaking, using teamwork may be the best way to get it done.

7 - Give physical affection to someone you love

Crows show affection to one another by offering themselves to be cared for. One crow will stretch out its neck, inviting another crow to preen it. The one being preened will close its eyes to show that it is relaxed.

Crows use invitations for physical affection to strengthen their bonds. 

If a crow appears to you in love, it can be a sign to accept offers to give physical affection and care to someone you love, and confirm that doing so can strengthen the bond.

8 - Mull it over

Crows have been shown to have neural activity consistent with thinking about their own thoughts. In other words, they know what they know and mull over the thoughts about what they know.

If crows appear to you when you’re making a decision, they can serve as a validation that it’s okay to think about what you know and weigh it against new information that you may be learning.

Photo of a profile angle crow sitting on the head of a statue with blue and brown background by Boys in Bristol Photography

Right now, there are 120 species of birds in the Corvidae family.

While crows are a common example, their ability for cognitive thought processing, problem solving and social awareness extends out into the other species in their family group.

Overall, crows symbolize death, conscious awareness, creative puzzle solving and adaptability.

For me, they are a reminder we aren’t the only consciously aware beings out there that we share the Earth with.

When I see or hear crows, I stop to remember they are fellow Earthlings I can communicate with and learn from.

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