Amanda Linette Meder

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Archangel Chamuel On Soul Relationships And Self Love

Photo of two people holding hands in silhouette by Valentin Antonucci from Pexels

guest post from the Ointment Jar

Archangel Chamuel guides us to find whatever it is we are seeking - a soul relationship, unconditional love, and anything that we have lost and are in need of in return. 

For this reason, Archangel Chamuel helps us return home.

Home to a place of love and once there, it is at this home where we receive love. 

Archangel Chamuel can help you connect with your soul essence in order to understand the deeper meaning behind the meaning, which is often, related to the loss of unconditional love. 

When we return to a state of unconditional love, as Chamuel teaches, it is that some unconditional love that is returned to us.

Chamuel is one of the Archangels that can help with soul relationships, the others being Michael, Jophiel, Azrael, and Raphael. 

So it is today that we have a channeled message from Chamuel.

This message that has come through The Ointment Jar to be shared with us here today.

Chamuel's message today is on Soul Relationships, how to find yours, and where to start. Let's sit down and have a listen. Very timely message indeed.

channeled message begins

Photo of pink and purple sky with sparse clouds by Pixabay from Pexels

And so it is Chamuel who is here with us today on the topic of Soul Relationships.


Soul relationships can be categorized into different meanings, different flavors; and is used by some in a rather frivolous manner with knowing of the depths of which this can go.

Soul relationships are based on a lifetime of connection, a lifetime of the purest and unending connection to all that is.

The essence of a soul relationship can be summed up in one word.


This is not simply the love we feel for one another, but the love we take with us from journey to journey, lifetime to lifetime – that is our essence yet never belongs to us.

It is our duty to give it back… for though giving we receive - and without that there is a stagnation.

There is a certain ease and flow once we come to terms with the idea of giving before we receive, of giving as that is the highest expression of our creation.

Giving love that is pure essence from a place of connectedness – to our source… for we are all one thing and there is no separation.

The only separation that exists is when we create it.

When we put self-imposed barriers or judgment or even expectation on what love is and what it means to give and receive it.

In your society, there are many rules about how to love, whom it is appropriate to love and why you would even want to love one another.

As always, we would like to remind you that there is no ‘I,’ there is simply us.

When you do not love from essence, when you do not give from essence, you are simply denying yourself.

You are cutting off your own flow of love to and from the divine.

You are impeding the flow of what is natural; the waves of emotions we all feel and that are meant to flow through us – unimpeded.

Yet, we get stuck and we hold onto the emotions that are only meant to pass through to correct our flow; to adjust and redirect and to bring us back to us.

To source.

Many in your world, especially at this time, ask:

How can we all love one another when there is so much division, so much chaos, calamity, and destruction? 

We say there has never been a better time than now to demonstrate love and it is easier than you might think as you need only love the one whose body you inhabit.

For loving yourself with all your own personal flaws - and I mean truly loving - comes from such a deep place, that no more resentment can be felt… just pure unadulterated love.

Total acceptance for everything you are, for what is, for where you are at this moment, what your circumstances are and what you have created.

In order to love, one must first accept all this about themselves then allow this love to simply flow through them and from them.

This high vibrational pure love, goes to the hearts of others directly; by-passing their own dilemmas, their own flaws - it simply touches them unimpeded at a cellular level that you change that person’s make up.

The one thing they need to do, is let it in.

The dark place that some people find themselves in - where they shut out love, where they shut out the light - is simply an inability to accept or inability to fully love themselves; to fully embrace every fiber of their being.

If you can make one thing your mission, it would be to feel this level of deep soul love for yourself on such a regular basis that it becomes your new normal.

Your new modus operandi… from there the light that you shine out into the world, simply encourages others to love ‘themselves’ more deeply than before - to ensure full acceptance of the self and to beam that out.

A quick reminder is beneficial - that from working on yourself and shining your light, the same will be reflected back to you.

You will create that in your own life.

So if you are looking for someone to love; someone’s attributes; be it good looks, long sporty limbs, shining eyes or glossy hair – if you look at ways to make that person love you, or to convince them about why they should be loving you; why you’re that perfect mate - you need only to love yourself.

There is nothing more attractive to another than somebody who is experiencing a full and open love for themselves.

For that person exudes confidence, exudes, happiness, exudes positive energy.

That individual has wiped away the need to convince another… the need to sell themselves or compete for attention.

That person is so in love with the light that shines within them, that they have all the comfort and security they need.

For in that state they know, in that moment that they are completely loved and nothing or no-one can take that away.

Please accept our light, our unconditional love and become that love.

You will then feel a soul relationship, one with yourself and that larger part of you that is still in spirit.

You will feel whole again.

In that place of balance, there is a certain bliss experienced within your life and that is very attractive. Treat yourself in the very kindest, most generous and most loving way, and others will soon follow suit.

Your energy, the soul energy of love we all share, is the most important relationship you will ever have, as this one is eternal.

When you look towards being fulfilled by this limitless swathe of energy - allowing yourself to be enveloped by this warmth - you will naturally draw this into all aspects of your life and your being… into workplaces, communities and the wider world.

Just imagine the level of intensity you could feel if each person did this.

It would be a love so moving, that it cannot be described with mere words as you, in that moment, are connected to all that is. Complete. Home.

We leave you now with the greatest appreciation and for the task ahead of you.

Bring light to your planet – and the only constant there is… love.

We grant you peace, love and harmony always, tranquility in the moment, and the exquisite experience of feeling our light we beam towards you.

We shower you with blessings, peace and abundance. Now look within – it’s all there.

We love you, we are with you. Always.

- Your Angelic Guides

A Channeled message from Archangel Chamuel, brought to you from The Ointment Jar.

The Ointment Jar is a portal to spread angelic messages, inspirational blog posts and offer bespoke sessions to the public.

Archangel Relationship Tips - On Soul Relationships - A Channeled Message From Archangel Chamuel. Photo of two people holding hands in silhouette by Valentin Antonucci from Pexels with text overlay of title.

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