Amanda Linette Meder

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31 Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening

31 Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening. Golden streams of light coming down from a ceiling to symbolize what happens on a spiritual level when you awaken. Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Updated 2022.06.18

If you're seeing things differently today than you did a year ago, experiencing lots of synchronicities, this could be a wake-up call from The Spirit World. 

Spiritual awakenings tend to happen in cycles of every seven to eight years, and they usually include lots of new insights and connections being made, all at once. 

Wondering if you're experiencing is a spiritual awakening?

Or just another, wild and exciting time in your life where lots of truths are revealed? 

Maybe it's the first, perhaps it's the latter, and perhaps it's both.

When I was going through an experience that what I now know was a spiritual awakening around ten years ago, I felt like the world was falling apart.

My beliefs were changing, I quit my job, and I left my living situation.

I sold everything I owned, walked out of my house, and moved across the country with my dog.

While a spiritual awakening can be a lovely, fantastical, and full of love and light experience, the beginning of a spiritual awakening is not necessarily always that pleasant.

Sometimes it is, but it can also result in a series of experiences that cause you to question the nature of reality. It's up to you how you take it in and emote about it. 

To unearth the beautiful jewel that you are, shine all the light you have within you, discover your soul’s path and live in more vibrancy and light.

You may first have to get rid of everything that has prevented you from getting there.

In this process, you may separate from others, evaluate everything, purge things in your energy field, or even circumstances from your life. 

If this is happening, you’re not alone. Many others have also experienced or are in the process of undergoing an awakening.

Probably several, right at this moment. 

So, want to know if you’re having one?

Below is a list of some tell-tale signs you’re embarking on a grand journey of discovery, known as a spiritual awakening process -

31 Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening

Symptoms you are experiencing a spiritual awakening collectively can make you feel like you are floating like these clouds in the sky. Photo by Esse Chua on Unsplash


A strong feeling of separation from the world around you


A loss of interest in activities you once found exciting and engaging 


A general sense of disinterest in conversations regarding human gossip 


Finding yourself having nothing to talk about with some of your old friends


A return of new interests and hobbies, usually from childhood or from a long time ago


Having a sense of frustration that people don’t seem to get what you're talking about, a sign you're on another wavelength


Noticing yourself having waves of sadness or a sense of not knowing where to go or what to do


A desire to spend more time in nature and fill up your life with natural items and foods


Finding yourself devoting more time to you, you're more compelled to focus on self-nurture


Letting go of old events, memories, thoughts, and emotions from your system


Wanting more alone time than you usually do


A loss of interest in your old social scene or social events, combined with a desire to find new social scenes


A willingness to discuss or look into the deeper meaning of things


Throwing away old clothes, having an interest in developing a new wardrobe or style


Finding yourself interested in reading older books and texts on spirituality or philosophy


A change of passion for your current job or career path


A shift in interest for your current romantic partner


A desire to find out what your purpose is or your life mission


Expressing a new-found or re-discovered interest in spirituality


Reaching out to others on the spiritual path for more information, support, or an ear to listen


Experiencing a change in your sleep patterns, either wanting to sleep more or not being able to


Feeling activity at the top of your head (Crown Chakra energy center) like tingling, itching, or energy vibrating as your Crown Chakra begins to open


Experiencing vivid dreams, which can be balanced with essential oils or herbs as you sleep


You encounter several powerful events which are life-changing in nature in a row


Bursts of creativity and insight happen more often


A deep yearning for meaning in life and a desire to learn about improving health, love or career


An inner feeling that you are somehow becoming different


You're noticing more recurring numbers, symbols, or synchronistic themes 


Increased intuition and natural experiences of altered consciousness


Opening to communicate with your Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones in Spirit


Feeling closer to Earth, animals, and nature, including trees and plants

Spiritual Awakening. How do you know you’re having one? Spiritual awakenings can happen frequency, or on average every 7-8 years each lifetime and they can result in positive life changes. 31 Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening. Golden streams of light coming down from a ceiling to symbolize what happens on a spiritual level when you awaken. Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash with textoverlay of title.

what is a spiritual awakening?

A spiritual awakening is simply an opening of your level of connection and love for the universe and your soul's desire wanting to gravitate towards these things. 

While a spiritual awakening usually happens over a year, it can take up to seven years to integrate into your physical life.

All of the new awarenesses gained when you have one, get brought into your life piece by piece, so have patience as you open to gradual changes and shifts. 

And, now, you may be asking, what is the purpose of this?

What happens following a spiritual awakening?

It may mean you:

  • Walk a more spiritual path

  • Align yourself with your true passions

  • Become more loving and compassionate

  • Connect with those in Spirit more easily

  • Experience heightened levels of joy and happiness

  • Surrounding yourself with others who are opening to similar vibrations

  • Develop your intuitive abilities

Some would say that you’re always awakening – that this life is a journey of unfolding, realizations, and opening continues on as long as your soul exists.

A spiritual awakening means the light and beauty of your soul is unearthing, and this tends to happen during concentrated times of growth.

When it happens, you are beginning to share more of your true nature, light, and beauty with the world around you.

And you will be gravitating towards other experiences and situations that honor this. 

Spiritual awakenings can happen with couples, or they can happen solo. Sometimes one person takes a whole soul group up with them when they awaken.

So, spiritual awakenings don't always occur alone, but they are usually experienced differently by all. 

Having patience with yourself and others when you go through them is one of the most essential parts. 

Since a spiritual awakening is actually a shedding process, and it can happen more than once in a lifetime but usually they’re good and life improves after.

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