Amanda Linette Meder

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Automatic Writing: Left Or Right Hand? Which Is Best?

Photo of black pen with gold flecks point out next to peach book by Happiness Maker from Pexels

Updated 2021.01.14

In this post I discuss a question on automatic writing: which hand to use? Automatic writing is channeled spirit messages in written form, and it has been a common form of mediumship for over a century.

Hello Amanda,

Is it true when you download information from spirit that it should be done with your non-logic hand? I download a bucket of stuff, not always for others – mostly for me.  I have done both hands, even using a patch over my right eye as I write right-handed for the spirits to tell me I look stupid and I don’t require it any more.  

One of my spiritual mentors told me that If I write with my logic hand the messages may be my truth and not the person’s reading or from the source.  

Can you please enlighten me with the best way? Thank you


Hey Kylie, 

Thanks for asking. It sounds like what you're talking about here is automatic writing, or receiving messages from spirit, and rather than speaking them aloud, as you would in a live reading for others, writing them down for yourself. Sometimes it's not very automatic.

This concept is the whole premise behind 'journaling what you receive' - a common recommendation for intuitive guidance and even the whole premise of the book Writing the Divine by Sara Wiseman. It's common to write down messages from your guides in a trance session for yourself and even highly recommended as a form of note taking. 

As it is true, you do need to get out the messages you receive, in order to remember them, make use of them, and get more of them.

The second and final step in the reception process is the delivery of what you've received, to somewhere outside of yourself so it's important to record messages and remember them, regardless of who they're for. 

In the movie What Dreams May Come, the main character dies, leaving his wife behind on earth.

After he dies, he later communicates with his still living wife while she's writing in her journal and lo and behold, she automatically starts writing his message using her dominant hand, as later in the movie we see her painting a painting, again using that same hand. 

She uses her dominant hand likely because she was just already writing in her journal at the time, not because that's the way it's necessarily done. 

That said, many people also record their receptions with both hands using the computer keyboard to jot down their own messages and also to perform distance readings for clients, which are often written in-form (I talk about this in a few one sheets out in the Membership Library) or some are recorded vocally. 

In the end, your mentor makes a good point.

If you can read your writing written in your non-dominant hand, I'd say go for it and see which method you like best, perhaps comparing those messages to earlier messages written with your dominant hand and doing a case study on what's more accurate for you.

If you can't read your non-dominant handwriting, there are always other ways to get that added certainty and level of protection. 

A few other ways to record and deliver your messages accurately: 

Automatic Writing: Left Or Right Hand? Which Is Best? text over photo of black pen with gold flecks point out next to peach book by Happiness Maker from Pexels

  • Make sure they're received in a trance state.

  • Clear your energy before you receive and after you receive.

  • Do a warm up.

  • If you are asking a question on a highly personal matter for yourself, its chance for bias is indeed higher, so cross check the message you get writing with your cards, another medium, or with a pendulum if you can for added certainty.

  • Cross checking personal messages for yourself is simply a means of double validation, and doing so can help clear anything received to make sure it's accurate. Just make sure if you do ask someone else to double validate for you, that you're open to returning the favor to them, should they ever need the same.

But by and large, anything you receive from your guides is going to be accurate, but after you receive it, it's just a matter of distillation, proper wording, and application from there.

I've found that regardless of what hand you use, once the first few messages start trickling in, they tend to be rustier than by the time you've hit page five - so if you're doing written messages for a client, doing a 'warm-up' channeling session beforehand can help you make sure that by the time you get to your client's messages, it's all clear, and smooth sailing from there on out. 

Ultimately, go with your gut on hand use. If you can read hand-written messages from your ambidextrous hand, it's an added level of certainty so I'd say go for it. But if not, there are always other ways to get that certainty, as mentioned above. 

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