Amanda Linette Meder

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Higher Self Communication: Can You Connect In A Reading?

The moon shining upon the earth. Image by Jonny Lindner from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.30

The Higher Self is the greatest aspect of who you are through all your incarnations on earth as a soul. In today’s article, we’re going to discuss what happens when it appears as a Spirit in a mediumship reading -

In a normal mediumship reading, you can expect at least one of these types of Spirit individuals to show up and introduce themselves:

  • A deceased loved one or acquaintance

  • A Spirit Guide, sometimes animal or plant

  • An Angel or likewise being in the respective culture

Sometimes you have one or the other, both or all three.

Still, either way, when they show up in a reading, they typically introduce themselves in some way asked, for example, they give you a color, name, appearance, or feeling to identify themselves. Usually, several of those so you can cross-validate for your client. 

They provide the medium with cues to their identity, so that the client, or whomever you're doing the reading for, may identify them,

If you are a medium or have abilities and want to identify these Spirits, check out my eBook, the Spirit Identification Key, where I discuss this further. 

Aside from those normalities, now and again, though, you get another type of Spirit that shows up.

A Person’s Highest Self and what it looks like. Beam of purple light from human’s chest into night sky full of stars upon dark horizon Image by Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay

Your client's highest self

Your client's highest self, known as a client's Spirit, can temporarily astrally travel from their body, or at least a fragment of it, and communicate messages to the medium.

This usually happens when a client has been feeling disconnected from their core self, and it can be exciting. Lots of loving messages can be delivered this way. 

When this happens, the medium communicates with your Spirit and can clearly show you your own soul's most earnest requests so you can get clear on those and sort them out from the weeds of others' wants and needs, which is what often clouds our own soul's judgment. 

Our Higher Self, which I often call our Spirit, often stays within the physical body of a client and can be called upon for guidance, wisdom, and knowledge. Though, it can also depart in dreams or astral travel from time to time.

The Spirit of your client, their Higher Self, can also show up as a soul fragment wishing to be re-incorporated or as the whole being. When it's the latter, this entity looks typically and behaves quite angelic for all people who's higher selves I've seen. 

The higher self soul fragment

The Higher Self, which is the whole soul, is all of the soul fragments combined and the pure, whole, and complete spiritual self that is within every one of us on earth in a physical body.

The soul fragment is a single aspect of the Spirit of the client that is typically returned to the client in a soul retrieval healing ceremony performed by many Shamans (Shamans are also mediums). 

The soul fragment, an aspect of the entire piece of your client's Spirit, generally comes to reading, to be returned and reintegrated into the whole Spirit of your client.

A soul fragment can look like the child version of that person's self or precisely like your client when it shows up in a reading. It usually represents a piece of your client that was lost or left behind, usually, in the case of a traumatic event.

Usually, a client's soul fragment arrives when it is ready to be reintegrated into the client's life. 

Why your higher self is good

Your Higher Self is responsible for and houses your intuitive insight. It will come forward to a medium in a reading, as the Spirit of your client, usually to assist with the healing of a deeply buried issue, or to assist in guiding your client through physical world hardship. 

The Higher Self is the part of yourself that you tap into for intuition, so you do want it with you most of the time. 

And usually, the only reason a Higher Self would deliver a message to an external source, and not through the client, is because the message the Higher Self has been trying to deliver to the client directly it has been ignored or completely unreceived. Generally, through no fault of the client's own. 

The medium is only the transfer station for whoever is present to communicate across the realms, for the highest and greatest good of all involved. 

They bring through who's there. Think about a medium as almost being a telegraph operator. 

And in some cases, the Spirit present is your soul; it's not always an external Spirit.

If your Higher Self or soul piece of your client arrives at a reading, deliver the message, and when the message is complete, then ask for the next Spirit guide, Angel, or Loved One to step forward.

Sometimes there will be one more. Usually, there is, but it all depends on how long the reading and the message is. Most Spirits can talk uninterrupted for about 40 minutes before their energy starts to fade, though circumstances are depending, sometimes it is more, sometimes it is less.

So to recap

  • The Spirit of someone’s Higher Self can appear in a reading. It can belong to the living client or someone living the client knows. This is usually a very good thing to happen.

  • It can happen sometimes.

  • If it happens, identify for your client it is more of a soul fragment wanting to integrate and ask it for instructions how, if so, or if it is just the full body higher self.

  • Once done communicating, simply carry on to the rest of the reading.

Past life aspects can also appear in readings, and so can old soul fragments but these are topics for another post.

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