Amanda Linette Meder

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Crowded Spaces. Do People Attract Spirits?

Updated 2020.12.30

Spirits require excess energy to appear.

Whether we are talking about Divine Light style energy, electronically generated energy, or energy given off from people moving about nearby - if anything wants to move, change or shift in any way - energy is needed.

Humans are full of energy. We are giant balls of molecules moving around, converting food to fuel, automatically running through biological processes of sugar and starch conversions, consuming things and expelling things all the time to keep it all going.  

In a giant crowd of people is where you might expect to find a large amount of excess free energy that was and is lost to the environment when any movement occurs or work happens. 

In a train station, there’s the buzz of the crowd, people talking, train cars moving,  buses leaving, and the electrical current in the space to keep the lights on and the elevators moving.

At a concert, there’s the sound of the music, people singing along and dancing, food and drink being consumed to keep the people dancing, and mechanical flushing of the nearby toilets.

Within an office building, there are copies and fax machines, fluorescent lights, and people burning the midnight oil, with the last energy they have within them for the day just to get it all done.

In crowded places, there is energy that is released into the space around humans, as they move, change, and create. There is also the energy of everything electrical and mechanical supporting those humans as they operate.

In crowded places there is plenty of excess human Energy + electrical Energy for Spirit to use to appear. 

Not only is there plenty of energy for Spirit to appear, but also there is a great deal of incentive for them to do so.

Since many of those in Spirit have once been human, even though they are deceased, many Spirits actually enjoy the presence of other humans.

Your grandmother who really liked when you came over, can now come over to you - whenever she wants.

Your brother who really enjoyed hanging out and drinking with you at family gatherings, can now go to happy hour with you, on any day of the week. Your father who enjoyed talking politics with you, can now go to each and every rally and protest with you that he feels like.

Deceased people are still people. They like to be involved.

Where there is a person, depending on the occasion, there can be between one or two Spirits with them at any time. 

Where there are 1,000 people, there can be several hundred Spirits present - at least. 

People attract Spirits simply because most Spirits were once people.

In crowded spaces, there are not only more people, but there is also more energy for Spirit to use to manifest and appear.

The energy Spirit could use to appear could be:

 The present energy of the space - using the resources available to them at the time.

- Or - 

The residual energy of the space - using the resources built up from previous high output times.

There are Spirits in crowded spaces both during and immediately after the crowd because there is still some leftover energy from all the hustle and bustle of the night.

However . . . 

Image of people in a crowd with pink, blue and yellow in the air by StockSnap from Pixabay

It Can Be Harder To Sense Or See Spirits In A Crowd

Just because there are more Spirits in a crowded place, does not mean they are easier to sense. In fact, they aren’t. When you have 1,000 inputs to your sensory system going on at any one time it is increasingly difficult to pinpoint the source of the input. 

If you are at a rock concert, it is harder to isolate the sound of a friend calling to you from across the mosh pit, than it is to hear that same friend, calling to you from the same distance, in the peace and quiet of your own home.

With a messy desk, how do you know if that pen you just noticed was already there, or if it is something newly placed? It can be hard to tell. 

In order to see and sense those in Spirit, clearly and accurately, it is easier when you have a clean desk to work with.

It Is Often Easier To Sense Or See Spirits When Alone

When you are alone, there is no other distraction, no other noise, and no other inputs that could potentially distort your perception of what is and what is really not around you.

In a crowd, you not only have the 1,000 people to deal with (Spirits within a body), but you also have the 300 or so Spirits to deal with (people without a body) - who may or may not be trying to get your attention.

When you are alone it is much easier to notice 1 person, than when you are in a crowd of 300 and you are asked to point out the 301st person to enter the space.

While there are generally many, many Spirits present within a crowd - including relatives and friends crossed-over of those within the crowd - it may be harder for you to sense them in such a large group, simply due to the many different competing sensory inputs.

This is why most people more easily sense, see, or feel Spirits when alone - it’s easier to notice a difference when you have no distractions preventing you from being fully aware. 

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