Amanda Linette Meder

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4 Tips To Improve Your Animal Communication Abilities

Photo of a small bird eating mealworms from a human hand by Dave Francis on Unsplash

Updated 2022.04.27 and just as an FYI, this post contains affiliate links.

This post focuses on pet and wild animal communication though similar principles can be applied when connecting with pets passed over.

Back before I started this site, I worked at a zoo and connected people to animals in exclusive inside--the-enclosure tours. 

Primarily, my coworkers were rhinoceroses and giraffes and other hoofed mammals. My job was to educate about wildlife and to help to interpret the behavior of those in our presence. 

Also, my job was to entertain and inspire people to care about the earth. But first and foremost, my goal was to create a magical space for a meaningful connection between people and wildlife. 

I loved my work there, and it only played on my entire youth caring for animals, in 4-H, and working in the environment. 

In the professional sphere and in my personal life, I've learned some universal themes on how to mirror the energy the natural world desires, so they can have a connection with you. 

And so that you can have a connection with them, too. 

Indeed, that which you seek is also seeking you. Animals, birds, and even insects have a curiosity about you as a human, sometimes as much as you do them. 

Some animals are shy and elusive. Some have been hurt by humans, but many are interested in a connection.

When an animal is fleeing from you, this is, of course, a sign they'd rather not have a connection. But in most cases, animals, birds, and even insects do not flee humans. They inspect, they inquire, and they watch. Sometimes, they engage. 

There are many benefits to animal communication, a few are

Photo of two cat silhouettes in the daark by Briam Cute from Pixabay

  • Insight about your pet's health and spiritual needs

  • Finding out what makes the animals around you happy

  • Connecting to pets who have crossed over

  • Gaining wisdom from those in your environment you'd never have otherwise

  • Having more fun, because you experience more engagement from your universe and those around you

This goal of this article is to boost your engagement with all creatures, respecting and elevating everyone, animals included. Starting with the animals, you've already started building a relationship with.

To do this, you start by developing a loving and trusting relationship with a few animals or maybe just one animal. You can do this by anticipating needs, reading body language, or even using telepathy to interpret their thoughts. 

Do you feel like you connect better with animals than with people?

In some cases, human language can be a barrier - because we can use it to hide and pretend about how we really feel. 

Animals generally don't do this, so sometimes, communication with them can be more comfortable. Psychic and intuitive connections with animals are real and truthful connections. 

You can try your hand at communicating with animals, you likely already have. And in this post, we'll build on it. All it takes is a little practice, trust in yourself, and a willing animal. 

Below, we'll go over a few ways to boost your intuitive connection with animals, which can promote more meaningful interactions with all the creatures of the earth around you. 

4 Animal Communication Tips

Animal Communication can be so easy! These are my tips for animal communication that’ll help you connect. Photo of Black Rhino on red road by Lee Kelai on Unsplash with text overlay, 4 Steps To Improve Your Animal Communication Abilities.

1. Start connecting with animals you know

Do you have a pet you care for? Birds you see every day? Squirrels you pass every morning on your walk?

Start animal communication with animals you're familiar with. If you have no animals you're familiar with, find some. Go to the same ecosystem every day and visit that spot for a whole year. 

As you do, the animals will start to remember you and become comfortable. When this happens, they're more likely to reveal their true selves to you. If you have any pets that you have already connected with, start with your pets. 

Your animal loved ones already trust you and likely are connecting with you on an intuitive level, anyway. They will be easier to start with than connecting with a wild animal or someone else's pet because you've likely already created a repertoire with them. 

Choose one animal and greet them every day. This is a start at communicating externally, and you can expand from here.

2. Listen when you talk to them

Have you ever talked to animals internally? 

If so, they've likely tried to talk back to you. 

Next time you encounter an animal you want communication with, listen to the voice within after you greet them. You may try opening the floor with an animal by asking a question.

Then waiting for a voice, you hear. This is telepathic and heard from within.

Have you ever had an 'imaginary' conversation in your head with an animal?

Pay attention to this. You talk to them in your mind and imagine their response or how they feel about what you said. This is sometimes called telepathic clairaudience. 

We all can communicate our needs with others by 'sending' our thoughts to them. So after you've started to feel comfortable with the animal you want to communicate with, speak to your animal friend. 

Whether quietly inside your mind or out loud, then wait. Give your animal a chance to reply. Wait for a response. It will be internally heard, so you'll be looking for a thought or a word to pop into your head.

In some cases, you'll be expecting an image to be received. Sometimes I prompt this by sitting with an animal by asking them what they want me to know or what I can do for them. Then I listen. 

Each of us has a different way of receiving, sending, and interpreting information - hearing, knowing, feeling, or seeing. Your intuitive ability to interpret an animal's energy they send to you will be most active in at least one of these areas.

Do you remember what your learning style is from grade school and college? If so, apply it here. It's your strongest intuitive communication area, too.

Animals who want to communicate will find a way to send you their message. Usually, it's through an energy transfer. This is then received and interpreted by the soul as an image, a thought, or even a word. So be open. 

3. Respond appropriately to what you hear

Once you feel you have received a message with your animal friend, respond and reply by internally thinking thoughts back to them. 

You can also talk to them externally, by imagining images of what you're going to do. You can also use emotion to respond, animals do understand a feeling. 

Have you ascribed personalities to your pets or the animals near you?

You can use those personalities communicated to you in behavior to respond. 

The best way to start a response is by holding a thought in your mind of your message back, or using words to speak, which animals can use to interpret tone and tempo. 

Internally let them know your plans about something and think about the scenes of these plans to convey the message. 

For example, if you're moving, you can let your pet know by telling them about your move or holding images in your mind of it, and then seeing if they calm down.

You can also respond to an animal's communication or the energy they send back to you by returning with a visual behavior that demonstrates intent and respect or love.

4. Start bridging the gap with other animals

Once you've developed a repertoire with your animal friends at home, start trying to get the attention of other animals. 

Say 'hello' to them in your mind, greet them when you are in their presence as though they were any other being worthy of acknowledgment in your space.

From here, you can begin the conversation. With your thoughts, emotions, or even through mental images and asking questions in your mind.

Openly make yourself more available.

You can start by saying hello when you feed outdoor wildlife such as birds and see how they start to sing back to you.

It helps to be consistent as, again, being consistent develops trust and trust encourages more honest communication - from humans as well as animals.

As you begin to notice other animals and acknowledge them as equals, you'll start to see that they notice you back.

to recap, to increase your animal communication abilities

Photo of baby Black Rhino on red road by Lee Kelai on Unsplash


Start connecting with animals you know


Listen telepathically when you talk to them


Respond appropriately to what you hear


Start bridging the gap with other animals

Once you get the hang of it, start trusting what you receive. You can then open your intuitive abilities to increase your empathy, improve your human relationships, and interpret needs and desires in the workplace. 

Non-physical communication, intuitive communication, helps promote trust amongst those around you, including those in the animal world. 

Use your imagination, play around, and trust the signals you are sent. Let the information flow naturally, avoid forcing it, and only communicate with animals who are clearly open to it. 

So relax, breathe and open and start with one of the tips above.

The less you mentally try, the more you generally receive. 

Over time, you’ll develop a pattern, and it will shape your connection to nature, creating more meaningful relationships with all the animals you encounter, forever.

For hard-copy resources I like on animal communication, check out:

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