Amanda Linette Meder

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12 Reasons To Meet Your Spirit Team

Photo of hands holding a white light mandala by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.28

There are lots of reasons to branch out and start getting to know your Spirit support team.

You’ve got Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Loved Ones standing by and simply waiting to support you on The Other Side. And there are benefits in getting to know them - after all, you can.

You don’t have to be a medium to speak, connect with and receive guidance from your own team of friends in Spirit.

You can start right now. But before you do - let us learn about the many reasons it’s a great idea.

Below are twelve reasons why meeting your Spirit Team can be good -

Vertical photo of hands holding fairy light by StockSnap from Pixabay

#1 life-long friendship

Your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are with you since birth, all the way up until your death and in many cases, stay with you after that.

They understand your challenges, your needs and your feelings more than many physical people can.

#2 judgment-free love

And for that reason, they will never judge you and will only provide compassionate support and offer guidance from a neutral, unbiased perspective - exactly like your best therapist would do.

#3 direction

Once you learn how to communicate directly or indirectly, with your Spirit Guides and Angels, you can receive helpful answers to anything you want to know - from meeting your soulmate to finding a parking spot downtown - they’ve got you covered.

#4 non-physical support

Your Spirit Guides and Angels are your best friends after a breakup, but better - they’re always available to you whenever you call upon them.

You can call on your Spirit friends for comfort, a spirit - hug, or even protection in times when you feel sad, lonely, scared or just in need of a pick-me-up.

#5 brilliant ideas

Trying to come up with a new career path? Or an idea for a new artwork?

You can ask your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to help you think of ideas and directions and often within minutes - the answer pops into your head.

This is called claircognizant communication and it’s often that stroke of genius that comes out of nowhere, just when you need it.

#6 quick answers

Need a quick yes or no answer?

You can ask your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to give you a yes or no quick answer on the fly - simply take three deep breaths, close your eyes and ask to see a ball of light in your mind’s eye.

On the left - it’s a no. On the right - it’s a yes. They’ve got you covered.

#7 they help you be safe

Thank your Spirit Friends for the warning, the gut feeling and passing along the tip - just in the nick of time. They don’t want to see you in harms way - and if you listen - they’ll keep you out of it.

#8 they can provide miracles

Your Spirit Guides and Angels are not limited by the boundaries of the physical world, because they lack a physical body. Thus, they can come to you whenever you call them, and are likely already around you, just hanging out and waiting to be asked for something.

If you need something, such as a favor, a word in edgewise for a job or a chance to win a contest, or you need to request a miracle - ask your Spirit Guides and Angels to intervene and they’ll do their best.

#9 they keep you laughing

Need a pick me up when you are feeling bad? Ask your Guardian Angels for an idea of an activity that will cheer you up or ask your Spirit Guides to direct you to something beautiful, funny or comical to provide you with a laugh or a smile.

They’re always ready to pull out the roses and the silver lining, and even will nudge you to laugh at yourself, right when you need a break in the ice.

#10 help you understand the deeper meaning

The next time you lack understanding of a hardship, the reason someone acted the way they did, or an explanation for an event that you don’t understand - ask your Spirit Guides and Angels - and they’ll help you make sense of it.

You can pull an oracle card, ask them to show you a sign or a symbol to direct you to the meaning or ask for a dream to help you interpret it all - and they will.

Sometimes, in order to move on, all we need is to ‘get why’, and they’re here for that, too.

#11 an energy you can talk to

It’s hard to feel alone, when you are never alone.

And when you invite your Spirit Guides and Angels into your life, you’re not. You always have someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of and connect with - even when no one with a physical body is around.

Your Spirit Guides and Angels will help protect you, keep you company and share guidance with you, even if all you need is a friend to hash things out with on the ride home from work.

All that talking in your head you’re doing? They hear you - and will respond back, if you listen closely.

#12 they stay by your side through thick and thin

While your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels may take a step back from time to time, to help you process feelings, emotions and to work through your lessons in the physical world, they never fully leave you.

They are always there even when physical others are not.

Have you ever wished for a true friend, one that you could tell everything to, would never judge you and would always have your back?

You have one.

In fact, more than one.

We all have a Spirit team of between 3-9 close Guides, Angels and Loved Ones supporting us on The Other Side.

Once you meet them, you’ll always have companionship, friendship and an active system of support - any time you need.

For more resources like this, become a Member today!

12 Reasons To Meet Your Spirit Team text overlay photo of hands holding a white light mandala by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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