Amanda Linette Meder

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The 5 Most Inspiring Messages of Love From The Other Side

Photo of yellow flower up close in frame by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.27

Messages on how to have a better life, from our loved ones on the other side.

On Earth, we use our own personal life experiences to provide others with advice in their lives.

When our loved ones transition to Spirit, they use their own lives as an example, as they reflect and offer information back to us. 

Deceased loved ones go through a life review when they cross over, so this usually gives them some perspective and time for reflection about what they experience on Earth.

Want to experience a better life starting today?

I've compiled the most common tips from our Loved Ones on the Other Side when they come through to share suggestions for how they, and you, could live better.

So below we’re going to cover five ways to live the happiest life according to your loved ones -

Photo of flower in a tin bucket by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

1. If you've always loved someone, tell them so

A common theme in readings is loved ones coming through to tell you how much they value, cherish, and love you. 

We don't always do this when we're alive. We feel vulnerable and think we'll wait until there is a better time. 

You do have to tell people out loud, it matters on Earth and in Heaven. If you just realized you love someone right at this moment, say it whenever you feel it. 

The people that you love and care for may know only when you tell them. 

Showing a person that you love them also matters, through kindness and actions.

If you aren't very expressive, talkative, or have pause for saying how you feel out loud, you won't always have the opportunity to someday muster the courage. 

Make the opportunity - now.

2. Share how you feel

One of the leading causes of sadness on Earth is Loved Ones coming through in readings and in their perspective, keeping their feelings locked up inside. 

They never told anyone how they really felt. And in some cases, it ate them up. You may not have known their real feelings, because they never told you.

Usually, this is due to shame, but sometimes it's because a person has been outcast before, for sharing positive or negative experiences.

You know what you're feeling? Right now, someone else feels it, too. 

It may be a different person than your usual person, but if not now, they've certainly felt it before. Neither you, nor any other person, need to feel isolated or alone in feelings, wonderings, or questions.

A lot of misunderstandings are solved by just saying how you feel. In honesty, we are all people, we all have feelings. 

The first step in connection with your friends, family, and loved ones is sharing yourself with them. 

Let go of how they respond with words.

Many of our Loved Ones on the Other Side feel they never did this. Not enough anyway, and sometimes, not at all. 

They want to encourage you to share your heart - your whole heart. And stop feeling so alone. Sharing is courageous. You are courageous.

No matter what you feel, someone you know personally has thought it. The good news is, this means you aren't alone. 

Share it, and feel alone, together. It'll be a bonding experience. And you need more of those, way more of those.

It's better to feel connected while you have people to connect with than feel disconnected from those who love you, for no reason other than fear of sharing who you are with another.

Solve some misunderstandings. Let someone know how you really feel. 

This alone - is the most courageous act you can ever do - sharing of yourself, honestly, with another.

3. Apologize and forgive

Going to the grave with regret is not what you want to do. 

Take it from your loved ones in Spirit. 

You may not have a chance to apologize once you get over there. 

We have all done something we need to apologize for and messed up. If you have messed up, you are trying, and that's the point of it all. To get through it as best you can. 

No matter what you've done, you're a good person at heart.

Got something you need to apologize for? Yes? We all do. 

To start, just say you're sorry and what for. 

Then think of one thing you're still upset about. Forgive it. 

Feel the release of the guilt you've been carrying. You are a being of Light, breathe it in.

4. Release worry

We can't control the future, though we can often predict it.

Worrying about what hasn't happened yet doesn't fix how you feel right now. 

Right now, you are comfortable, secure, and taken care of, and it's essential to remind yourself of this.

Worrying about the future doesn't change the future, though, at times, it can make you feel more prepared to act when the future does come.

It affects your current state of mind, health conditions, and well-being in the present. The most important thing for you to do is to change what you can to ensure a glorious future and release what you can't change.

Often, your Loved Ones will suggest you make a list on a sheet of paper of all the things that worry you. Then get out another sheet of paper. 

On one side, write, "Things I can change," and on the other side, write, "Things I have no control over."  

Categorize your worries this way and watch, as you see many of your concerns are things you can't change right now - even if you wanted to.

Sometimes I like to imagine the big thing I am concerned about floating up to the sky and carried up as birds back to Spirit.

If you worry about others, know others have Angels and Guides that watch over them. 

All will be for the best in time.

If the things you can't change still upset you, simply ask your Loved Ones in Spirit to help you make sure it will turn out okay. They will. 

Worrying about what you can't control won't make anything turn out okay. In fact, it shapes how you feel right now, which can change the future, usually in a different way. 

The most important thing is you always focus on feeling good. How you can feel better - that's what's most important - that you actually enjoy your life while you still have it.

Take a deep breath. Settle down and think about one thing that can make you feel better in the present now. 

5. Focus on yourself

You're a helper, a supporter, and a lover of people. 

Your Loved Ones know that about you, and they also know you've spent a lot of time in service to others. 

Maybe too much time.

Wanting to show others the bright Light of Hope, you are the support system and shoulder to cry on. 

Allow others to shine onto you and care for you.

It's time to Relax. You can't fix anyone else's problems. 

Think about the world 100 years ago. What problems would you have immediately in your environment? What can you do to take care of you right where you are?

Do this. 

Focus on the here and now and not the distant future. Doing this creates a new future. 

Spending all your time helping someone else out and pulling people up, you need a break. 

Even if it's just closing up shop for the day and coming back tomorrow.

To save yourself trouble and stress, wait until someone asks for your guidance and support, and they really need it. Until then, relax. 

You can give others the map, but only they can walk their own trails. 

Our loved ones, on the other side, often say they believe the people they love didn't care enough about themselves and didn't invest in themselves enough. 

Not rising to their fullest potential in the physical world, in self-care, was one of the things they'd wished they'd focused on. 

And you can do that now.

Spend some time on doing what you love and what you enjoy, rather than helping someone else find out how they can love what they do. Take an hour or two.

Take a warm bath, have a glass of wine, go to the gym, invest in an art class. Then decorate your house in the art you've made. Make your life beautiful.

So to recap, how to live the happiest life according to your loved ones

Image of lotus in purple water by Devanath from Pixabay

1. If you've always loved someone, tell them so

2. Share how you feel

3. Apologize and forgive

4. Release worry

5. Focus on yourself

Want to live a life with no regrets and cross into Spirit, leaving behind you a full, happy life? 

The solutions are to love, share, apologize, release worries, and cater to yourself.

In all readings, your Loved Ones want to deliver one main message to you, "Live the best life you can, have the most happiness possible, and don't regret anything - we love you and are supporting you from across the veil."

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Spiritual Inspiration. Photo of yellow flower up close in frame by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash with text overlay, 5 Most Inspiring Messages From Our Loved Ones On The Other Side.

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