Amanda Linette Meder

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The 5 Stages Of Psychic Development

Photo of red spiral by Sina Katirachi on Unsplash.

What To Expect In Your Intuitive Opening Path

Updated 2021.12.27

Developing your psychic abilities is, in many ways, a gateway to hope. 

When you're connected, you get closer aligned to your soul path, meaning, more fulfillment from your days. 

And the development process for your intuitive, psychic, and mediumship abilities is a unique journey for everyone.

We all come to the decision to explore the opening of our intuitive and spiritual abilities for different reasons, guided by different life experiences, and we achieve different results.

As souls, we're a lot like the ecological graph of the warblers in the spruce tree.

It's a graph I know I've shown in at least one class and seen it many times in environmental school (what I went to college for). Perhaps you've seen it too. 

The graph explains that while there may be five different species of warbler in a single pine tree, they all occupy and thrive best in a slightly different space, making it possible for so many to coexist at once. 

Humans are just like this. We can occupy different niches. And likewise, our intuitive gifts lead us all to these unique niches where it is theoretically possible to coexist. 

When people develop their intuitive gifts, not everyone wants to give psychic readings or see the future. 

Some want to understand what has already been happening to them for years. Others have been called following a personal near-death experience or after the death of a loved one.

All of us are intuitive at birth. 

They later open up, even more, usually when one is given space and freedom, or in some cases, the elemental necessity is required forcing you to rely on them. 

Moments of hardship are when many people develop their gifts. 

Thankfully for this, the re-finding and re-discovering of them can lead to an incredible blossoming of the next phases of your experience. 

Developing your intuitive gifts is as much a matter of discovering yourself, as it is a matter of helping others see themselves and there is room for everyone in it.

It's a self-transformational process as much as it is a conduit to make life, career, and belief system changes in your own life and within the lives of others that empower all. 

The journey of psychic and spiritual development, while vastly diverse, though, does follow a general trend of stages, with each stage lasting weeks to years.

You may move back and forth between the stages more than once, before officially moving on to the next step.

Likewise, this process can get repeated at any time you learn anything new on your intuitive path. 

So below, you'll find the shared stages we all go through in psychic development and what to expect as you transverse through each. 

Intuitive Development. The 5 Stages of Psychic Development: What To Expect In Your Intuitive Opening Path. Photo of red spiral by Sina Katirachi on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

Stage 1 - Excitement Stage

This is the first stage, also known as the immaturity phase, most notably described in the Fool Tarot Card. This is one of my favorite cards of the deck. 

In this stage, you find yourself excited, overwhelmed, and wanting to gather as much information as possible about anything you can find in your intuitive field of interest. 

Intuitive events, validations, and synchronicities often happen in fast sequence and exceedingly common during this phase. It's your guide and soul's way of confirming for you to keep going. 

Here you may experience a rapid increase of intuitive experiences, and you feel like you only can't know enough, fast enough. 

This is a stage of rapid gathering. It's a voracious time of growth. 

It is during this stage, where you find yourself moving between fear and excitement, not know if you should move forward into this unknown field and energy or back away from it.

Eventually, most dovetail both together into courage in the heart chakra and do step forward gracefully into the next step. 

Stage 2 - Doubt And Limiting-Out Stage

This is the second stage, also known as the discernment phase. 

It's the stage where you begin to weigh what you've experienced with what you already know and compare it to new information. 

It's where your inner lower-self may kick in to tell you it's not real, or your logical mind may step in to ask you to think things through.

It may be where you start to feel guilty about where you're going, and your family may even begin to make you feel wrong about how things are changing. 

This is usually their fears and concerns coming through, and this needs to happen because fear must be released to be changed. 

During this time, be very discerning with the feedback you listen to and let your body tell you what's helpful. This stage is where lots of people develop their clairsentient gifts to their fullest. 

Be careful; take everything that you learn with a heightened level of awareness. 

Hard truths may come to show themselves to you in this phase. Accept them, and you move through this stage with less pain. 

The Doubt and Limiting Out Phase is the growing pains stage, but it can be remedied by doing things you enjoy, even if you have to work through them. 

For example, listening to classical music as you do your chores can help you find peace and grace in this phase.

It is in this stage, you might begin to doubt yourself, but keep going using discernment. 

This phase often feels slower-paced than stage one, because you begin to take things a lot more judiciously and start to question and apply what you absorbed during the excitement, fast-moving, and rapid period.

Stage 3 - Validation Stage

Photo of human in a green dress offering a green envelope by Taisiia Shestopal to illustrate validation is best when loving and when given from the heart and higher chakras

This is the stage where you want proof and evidence to explain what you've experienced, learned, and seen. 

The Validation Stage is the stage where many people start to share their gifts more productively, not showering them everywhere, as in stage one. 

You are now looking for evidence in the physical world for what you received in the energetic, psychic, and spiritual world, and you will receive it. 

You move out of doubt, and you start to get your faith. 

You may seek out readings with other professionals, test out your abilities in the working world more, and begin to record your experiences for later recognition and validation.

It is in this stage where you start to attract a community of others who have had similar experiences or look for people, situations, and evidence external to yourself to provide validation for what you've already experienced.

This is a crucial stage as it builds energy in the Solar Plexus and stokes self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence. 

All of this energy is needed to make a difference with your purpose. Through sharing your gifts with the world, in the validation stage, you get discerning and helpful feedback, taking your gifts to the next level. 

Notice I didn't say mean or hurtful feedback? 

During the validation phase, you want to pay attention to the earlier kind, as the feedback that is discerning and helpful comes from those also tuned into their higher chakras. It is this feedback that is coming from the places you want to go to. 

Stage 4 - Process and Methods Stage

It is in this stage where you have found out what works for you, what you believe in, and what you have found to be true.

In the validation stage, you received feedback from your Guides, peers, or the Universe with synchronicity as to what aspects of your gifts were touching the world most. 

Knowing what aspect was most reaching to others, you can then think back to what you were tapped into when you were tuned into that aspect, making it easier to recreate. 

The more easily you can recreate the workings of an intuitive gift, the more reliable they become, and the easier it is to trust and call-upon your gifts in the future.

You begin to learn how all the gifts work in a new way and how you can apply them to your own life, well being, your relationships, and potentially, your career to impact the most people. 

In this stage, you may desire to explore things working in a new way than how they worked in the past. You may set up or evaluate your systems. 

You may begin to narrow down on an intuitive focus trade or have identified specific tools that work the best for you.

This stage is also called the sorting stage, and it can help you specialize. Usually, people from your soul group arrive around now to help you fine-tune the process and make it more fun. 

Stage 5 - Assimilation Stage

In the final stage, you begin to integrate what you have learned in your psychic research and intuitive development journey with your physical world life.

The principles, facts, and beliefs that you have collected, you now start applying to your life.

You start to walk the walk and talk the talk. 

For example, if you're an astrologer, you decide once and for all not to sign any contracts or long term offers when Mercury is in retrograde. 

If you own a spiritual bookstore, you may finally decide that before bringing a new product in, you always consult your Guides now before saying yes on the spot. 

You practice the techniques, apply the insights, and shift your life to reflect your new-found, transformed self in your life - and here, you may even start work in a new area.

After The Assimilation Stage, you may more fully believe the saying,

"All in due time," and find yourself more comfortable with where you are in your path. 

You start to feel as though you are exactly where you need to be.

You likely have improved boundaries and self-respect once you've reached this stage, you may even have elevated levels of self-worth from when you started at stage one - this is exactly perfect. 

In the assimilation stage, you are more fully able to see the purpose of all of it and how it aligns with the reason your soul. 

The 5 Stages of Psychic Development infographic. Photo of red spiral by Sina Katirachi on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

Where do you find yourself in these stages now?

From Excitement Stage to Assimilation Stage, many people move back and forth between each.

Life is circular, so we often go through these stages in loops.

Can you identify where you are in the stages above? 

We are all going through at least one stage of discovery at any time. If you've already visited one of these stages, know you may identify yourself in one of them again, in some way, in the future. 

Now that you've read through the stages above, you're more likely to recognize the next time the cycle comes around when it happens.

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