Amanda Linette Meder

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What Is The Difference Between Psychic And Medium?

What is the difference between psychic and medium? You can be both. Photo of drop of yellow liquid in blue water by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2020.09.19

Not all psychics claim to be mediums, and not all mediums claim to be psychic. But then there are people like me, who consider themselves psychic mediums. There’s a little bit of overlap.

Enter the grey area.

Let me explain.

When I first started practicing reading and working with other people, I primarily used my clairvoyant “seeing” abilities to perceive information from the aura - the energy field of my clients.

The aura contains information about your emotional, energetic, and physical self - from all aspects of time.

Just as memories are stored in your brain, emotions, events, and circumstances are stored in your energy - but that which you’ve experienced in the past, and what is coming to to you in the future.

In these psychic readings, could see the color of your aura, identify and address emotional thought forms, see events from the past still playing out in current time, and see different relationships with other people in your life, those that were interacting with your energetic and physical space.

Using this information, the information stored in your emotional and energetic memory of the past and the present, I could predict things for the future.

Of course, the accuracy of a psychic prediction can vary - but it’s mostly based on using present and past ‘energy data’ from your behaviors and life pattern, to determine how things will go.

And of course, you change your behaviors, thoughts, or patterns, to be different from the past, the future can change, as well.

Psychics perceive energy in this realm

Psychics use clairaudient (perceptive hearing), clairvoyant (perceptive seeing), clairsentient (perceptive sensing and feeling), and claircognizant (perceptive knowing) information that they perceive and receive from you, to provide you with a clear and accurate reading.

They perceive your Spirit and the energy of the beings here on Earth.

Each and everyone of us has at least one of these abilities, as it is part of your intuitive sense. A practicing psychic, has either naturally stronger abilities and/or has practiced their intuitive gifts to be of service to others.

Photo of bokeh white lights hanging by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Mediums perceive energy from other realms

On the other hand, a medium perceives and receives information from a Divine source, acting as a conduit between this Divine source, and another person.

Someone who is a medium has practiced connecting and linking their energy with the Divine, usually an individual being, but not always, to provide you with guidance, information, support, and love that is most helpful to you now.

All mediums use their psychic abilities to interpret this information from the Divine and from Spirit. Thus, all mediums, to some degree, must have psychic abilities and practice using them, as the psychic abilities are the tools that they and those in Spirit use to deliver the message.

All mediums are also psychic, but not all psychics are connecting to Spirit in the non-physical as mediums - at least not consciously.

If a medium, for example, uses their clairaudient abilities to perceive information from clients (humans with Spirit), they are transferring this tool of hearing, to receive information from Spirit, without physical body.

Mediums are simply that - a media acting as a conduit to convey a message between two sources from Spirit.

Depending on the connection of each medium, they may be able to receive information from deceased Loved Ones, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, and the Great Oneness of Source. 

All psychics have the ability to learn how to connect with Spirit to begin to receive information, in addition to using their psychic perception when working with clients.

All that it takes is practice, and a shift in focus from the physical world information, to spiritual world information.

Both Psychics and Mediums exist on the same pendulum swing - it's just a matter of where they choose to focus. 

Each person, psychic or medium, will have a preference, comfortability, and place where they feel they work best, and most people are both to some extent.

For example, I know other intuitives who prefer to use their psychic abilities to perceive with the physical world and the energetic nature with their clients, and are completely comfortable perceiving from themselves and their clients, and not currently developing abilities from Spirit.

Additionally, I, myself can use my psychic abilities to assess how you are doing now, predict future outcomes, and explore your relationships - however, I much prefer to receive information for Spirit and deliver what I receive to you.

Each individual is unique and knows intuitively within themselves, where their focus of their abilities will flourish - in perception or reception.

Finally, mediumship abilities often use psychic abilities for communication with The Other Side. So in reality, you often need both and both are valuable.

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What Is The Difference Between Psychic And Medium? text over photo of drop of yellow liquid in blue water by Pixabay from Pexels

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