The Member Center The Spirit Lounge (text over purple and blue watercolor)

Join The Discussion

For discussion on topics and themes, intuition in real life, meet other members and network, join us in The Spirit Lounge, The Membership's private social group on Facebook. 

The credentials for the group are set to Unlisted, so you can't see the content and activity anywhere on Facebook if you aren't a member of the group. This ensures confidentiality and maintains the integrity of the group.

To join the The Spirit Lounge, click on the link above and the button "Join Group." You will be prompted to answer a few questions to assure your account matches the request, and we will approve you to join as soon as possible.

Once inside, scroll through the catalogue of knowledge that has been posted through the years, and then comment, share and ask questions! This group is completely optional. 

If you click on the above link and can't get in, we need to send you an invite! Simply email with your name, the email account you use on Facebook (this is where we send the invite) and your request.

For another way to participate, attend the Monthly Workshop >>

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