Mediumship Business: How To Know When To Go Full-Time

How do you know when you can take your Mediumship Practice Full Time? Read on - Image: StockSnap, living room with wood floors and brick walls -

How do you know when you can take your Mediumship Practice Full Time? Read on - Image: StockSnap, living room with wood floors and brick walls -

Updated 2021.12.09

Mediumship business? Taking clients? How to know when it's time to take the leap -

When I was first starting my mediumship business, I began by doing practice readings at night while I worked during the day at another job.

These first clients originated from an online baby group my sister knew about, where I posted an offering on their message boards for free readings and I got lots of supportive feedback through the group.

Through that baby group, I generated paying clients. One of those paying clients suggested I create a Facebook Page where people could find out about me and from there, everything snowballed.

At that time, I already had a blogger website with two pages of information on

  • What people could expect for readings

  • Where to send donations

That's it, and starting the Facebook Page made me so nervous.

With a public profile, then, my colleagues would find out, and because I was actively looking for jobs in another field, I hesitated and resisted, but ultimately, I did it. 

Through that Facebook Page, I later found a boyfriend, so there were many other perks I received after taking that leap.

With my new boyfriend pumping me up with some confidence, after that page opened, an opportunity to give readings through another popular spiritual website was offered to me. So I accepted that. This was a gift because, at the time, I was at the end of a contract for my current job, and I needed another one fast. 

At the same time, my housing lease was then also up, and so I moved into a temporary cottage out west where I could think things through.

Then, while scanning for my next move, I was offered a short term free trailer situation in the woods, where I could give readings via telephone, close out my final job responsibilities, and build my new business.

Around this time, I then also started actually blogging and writing articles.

I was getting so many of the same topics coming up in readings, that to document the ideas for myself, and to help multiple people at once, I just started publishing articles about the information.

From that, the e-products, courses, meditations, and The Membership Program you see on the site today developed. 

This all happened in about a span of 2-3 years, now I still offer consultations, but many more products, too have since built off those initial readings.

How do you know when you can take your Mediumship Practice Full Time? Read on - Image: StockSnap, living room with wood floors and brick walls with text overlay of title.

How do you know when you can take your Mediumship Practice Full Time? Read on - Image: StockSnap, living room with wood floors and brick walls with text overlay of title.

How giving readings full-time started unfolding for me

  • I started practicing

  • Then I started a page for booking

  • A sidekick showed up

  • My job ran out

  • I lost my housing

  • I was then offered a new job doing readings

  • I then got free and cheap housing which helped me build my website that later became my business

  • And then gave myself another job in blogging and creating which opened other opportunities

So essentially, a small series of synchronistic events set me up to have a business doing intuitive stuff. It feels like it all happened so fast, but it really all happened over the course of a couple years.

After talking to other psychic mediums, I've found that knowing when you're ready to transition from part-time psychic to full-time, all seems to depend on a tipping point of opportunities - a place where the hustle, the circumstances and the timing all align.

Either you are left with the only choice being to give readings, and start an intuitive business full-time. Or the choice to do so, becomes the best option financially at the time of the decision. 

Regardless, most people tend to get a sense when they are ready to transition from part-time psychic or intuitive to full-time and can feel this change coming. 

Typically, there's also a push from the Universe that asks you to make the choice. You may experience a job change, a change in the amount of your available time, or a series of synchronicities that all point you in that direction. 

A few other ways to know you’re ready to transition from practice to a business of readings

  • People start requesting readings from you

  • You’ve been doing practice readings and then people begin offering you money for them or your clients start trying to advertise you

  • It has been on your mind all the time

  • The idea is being suggested to you from others in your circle repeatedly

If you can sense that change is coming now and would like to better prepare for it, I do suggest getting as much practice as you can doing readings or taking appointments before charging for them, such as by offering sessions for donation to a group who's interested. 

I also think it’s a good idea to think about other products and services you can sell alongside your readings such as the art you make or the products, books, or services you recommend - I talk more about this in my business courses and bundles.

Some people go full-time as a psychic or a medium by working for another website first, as I did, to get practice and a steady stream of income. Some organically work it into an existing side business umbrella they already have. 

Whatever the case, I've learned a lot in my journey of doing this. 

So to assist, I created an eCourse, Grow Your Intuitive Business, which walks you through 21-days of tips to build your business, eliminating all the trial and error and honing in on what works for intuitive business building that works for you.

There are also additional business tips and practice opportunities in The Membership where you can advertise your page and continually develop and network with other psychics, intuitives, mediums, or other spiritual independent professionals. 

So, to end

Through plenty of practice, and when the opportunities are either created or presented, you will feel the change on the horizon and see it coming.

This is how you’ll know when you’re ready to go full-time as an intuitive, psychic, or medium - you’ll get a sense it’s happening.

Also, lots of information will suddenly show up for you to absorb regarding the change.

This, I feel, happens with a lot of changes.

When we are ready for any shift, the Universe sends signs through others; for example, you may see a shift in the information around you, and in what others are asking of you. Giving you cues to the next direction now.

Most people allow the process to unfold while accepting helping hands when they are offered, taking courses, or meeting with a coach, and taking small steps every day to increase their exposure.

In other words, the Universe will start to push you forward, you’ll feel it. Taking small steps over time is a great way to make the transition to free, donation readings to full-time paid work.

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