Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Open Your Third Eye Chakra

Photo of deep violet and iridescent green-blue feathers by Yuri_B from Pixabay

The Third Eye Chakra, is the energy center in the body that governs clairvoyance, moon energy, and the ability to see and connect to all the past, present, and future. In Sanskrit, it is called Ajna, thought to mean command or monitoring center. It is believed to be the place where all psychic sight is accessed - 

You can open this energy center in meditations, and with exercises we'll cover below.

When your Third Eye Chakra is expanding, some of the opening symptoms are:

  • More vivid dreams

  • Seeing flashes of light when coming out of meditation

  • Beginning to see swirling colors, symbols, or faces of guides and angels in a visionary state of mind

Some other Third Eye-opening signs include prophetic visions and being drawn to the Third Eye Chakra Color.

The color of this chakra is indigo. 

You may feel drawn to indigo. colored crystals, such as Third Eye Chakra Stones like Amethyst, Charoite, Lapis Lazuli, and Lolite.

You may also see the Third Eye Chakra Symbol, an upside-down triangle in indigo light, frequently seen in synchronicities or in dreams, or be drawn to it inexplicably. 

There are a few secrets to opening the Third Eye.

First, your Root Chakra and all of your other chakras must be in alignment, and we talk about how to do this below easily.

Second, your ability to focus and concentrate on a single point or task for a long time improves your ability to hold images in the Third Eye to remember and share them. 

Meaning, anything you can do where you forget focus and forget time is good for the Third Eye.

And third, we all have one, which means that in a few simple steps, at any moment, you or I could be glowing purple/violet with intuition and confidence in the Third Eye, so remember to share the visions it can create with the next steps forward. 

When the Third Eye is open, it usually means one can see all that is necessary and needed for them to exist in abundance in all periods, the past, present, and future. So opening your Third Eye energy center, the chakra, is often useful for positively creating change in life.

Calling up images in the Third Eye at-will for client questions or spiritual direction is at the heart of most clairvoyant and psychic readings. 

Having an open and easy practice on hand for keeping the Third Eye Chakra healthy and well, is helpful for anyone, including advanced students and professionals of energy work.

Looking to open the Third Eye fast? 

Below we're going to discuss three meditation techniques that can open your Third Eye safely.

Vertical photo of lillies in indigo light by Inga Seliverstova from Pexels

3 meditations for opening Third Eye Chakra

#1 Disconnect from any source of the imbalance

This is a moving meditation, and in it, you are looking for any energy that is not loving, any energy that is a form of self-hate or doesn't feel like the self's value to you. In this exercise, release yourself from anything that promotes shame or the belief that one is not All-That-Is incarnate.

The energy that thrives on situations or people being wrong or bad energetically often looks like a grey or black mist that can hang over a chakra and create a block.

Often it then ends up over the Third Eye Chakra, your filter on the world. So we must clear ourselves from any source of non-love to provide a clear vision for ourselves and others. 

In this activity, I am saying yes. Simply dusting away the drama, whatever it is in your life, opens the Third Eye by clearing its lens.

When we focus on what is bad, we naturally focus on grey or out of balance energies, amplifying it, like dust or fog in the energy field, polluting the chakras.

To connect where your intuitive gifts are accessible or to see clairvoyant images from them, your energy field has to feel in total alignment or balance. Meaning, all messages inside it have to fall into alignment with true vision, love, joy, or bliss.

Clearing your inflow is the best way to start doing this. Cleanse your social media feed or email inbox, and then clear your thoughts to maintain a clear vision of love embodiment and the belief that all is. 

Holding your vibration in balance will open the Third Eye Chakra consistently over time in a state of harmony, also called openness.

#2 Visualize seven light bodies all along your energy field, activating

When all the Chakras are open, the Third Eye Chakra works best.

In this meditation, begin by breathing in and out three times. 

Starting at the base of your hips, all the way up to the top of your head, visualize seven evenly spaced golden, circular pulsing lights connected by a thread of white light - golden energy. 

Imagine all of them as equally bright and vibrant, so much that it feels like a soft glow radiates from your body. 

When you get to the Third Eye area, imagine this space having the biggest radiance of light. Notice if any symbols come forward while here. This could be a message from The Universe or your Spirit Guides or All That Is.

Advanced: Visualize each swirling light as the color of that chakra, from Red to Lilac.

#3. Focus on a vortex of indigo energy swirling behind the brow area

Each chakra is an energy vortex that swirls clockwise, known as out-flowing energy. 

After moving to sit or stand in a comfortable position, if you are not there already -  

Visualize a vortex of indigo light swirling outward from your brow area to about a foot or ⅓ meter, in all directions from your cranial area. 

To enhance this step, visualize a five-pointed star hovering through your cranial space in and around your brow area.

Then watch as this light travels through your skull and in between your ears. Notice how you feel as these astral lights harmonize your body.

Most of the time, this part feels good.

Third Eye Chakra exercises. Photo of deep violet and iridescent green-blue feathers by Yuri_B from Pixabay with text overlay How To Open Your Third Eye Chakra.

So to recap

Do an inflow of energy information cleanse, clear, and release yourself from any symbols, words, or incoming energy that is out of balance with harmony for you. Then follow up with your mind's thoughts, including those you hold toward yourself.

Visualize all the chakras aligned, from bottom to top, with the brow-bone being the brightest. 

Amplify purple/violet in your vortex of light. Over your Third Eye, fill your cranial area with a violet-vortex of light ending with a five-pointed star running through the same space. Notice how you feel.

These three Third Eye meditation techniques can open your Third Eye quite fast. 

By continuing to practice them, you may find what you see in your mind's eye, the Third Eye improves in detail and quickness of appearance when you intentionally want to open clairvoyance 

Not getting anything from above?

Continue reading below - 

Photo of triangle in purple rings and bokeh orbs by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Third Eye Chakra Blocks

If you aren't feeling anything, seeing anything, or noticing a difference in mood, body temperature, or anything else that would indicate an energy shift, your Third Eye Chakra may be blocked. This can happen, even to the most talented energy workers and clairvoyants. 

Your Third Eye Chakra may be blocked if:

  • Someone external to you has recently shed doubt on your visions or sent fear energy to you regarding you using your Third Eye

  • You had ancestral fears regarding opening the mind's eye

  • You have previous fears taught to you about vivid dreams or visions

If any of these things sound like you or you didn't receive anything above, your Third Eye Chakra may be blocked. 

Thankfully you can usually clear a Third Eye Chakra with Reiki or other energy healing methods, repeated meditation practice, or with the technique below.

Third Eye Chakra healing

To start healing the Third Eye, try any of the above activities that speak to you daily. Receiving an energy healing directed explicitly at that chakra may also help you. 

To clear your Third Eye yourself:

With your palms open, after meditating and clearing your own energy, place your dominant palm over your brow area, and visualize Divine Light coming from your own palm, entering the Third Eye and washing it with Golden Light. 

Additionally, trying any of the above activities for a minimum of 21-days up to a year can open many blocks if you had one or just want to maintain a crystal-clear Ajna Chakra.

To recap, symptoms of the Third Eye Chakra opening include seeing visions, awake or asleep, being drawn to the symbols, colors, or stones of this chakra. Some even feel a buzzing behind their brow bone.

Once open, the Third Eye Chakra is the gateway to clairvoyant gifts. It is your spiritual vision to all that is, all solutions, all truth, so it can be a tremendous gift to you and others in your life.

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Disclaimer: All mentions of healing on this website refer to the concept of spiritual healing. For physical healing, please visit your trusted medical professional.