Amanda Linette Meder

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The Spiritual Meaning of the December Cold Moon

Image of full moon in winter forest with white trees by Elisabeth Scheufler from Pixabay

Full moons are the perfect time for letting go of things, bringing situations to conclusion and resolution, and releasing energy that’s weighing you down to make way for new ways of being and opportunities ahead.

The Cold Moon is the spiritual nickname given to the full moon that occurs in December, as in the Northern Hemisphere, this full moon:

  • Occurs during one of the frostiest time of year

  • Introduces the winter months, the coldest months of the year

  • Occurs around the winter’s solstice, when the night’s darkness is the longest

Another nickname for the Cold Moon is the Long Night Moon, as the December Full Moon takes the highest arc, the longest path along the sky. It’s above the horizon longer than any Moon. 

The sun has this opportunity during the summer’s solstice, but during the winter’s solstice, the moon takes the lead.

Something neat about this Cold Moon is that it's also a Christmas Full Moon

It occurs on December 26th at 7:33 pm EST in Cancer. It will start to rise around sunset and be brightest starting on December 25th until December 27th. The last one of these was in 2015 and the next one is not until 2034. 

So this Cold Moon is somewhat of a rarer one, in the grand scheme of things.

Below are 3 spiritual meanings of the December Cold Moon:

Image of full moon in snowy forest by Amy Art-Dreams from Pixabay with text overlay The Spiritual Meaning of the December Cold Moon

1 - Find Light in the Darkness

A spiritual significance of the Cold Moon is that it’s a time to celebrate the light in the darkness, especially when the darkness is at its darkest and it’s especially cold.

This spiritual metaphor speaks to times in life that feel like “a dark period,” and an extra frosty one at that - a time when the world feels a little harsher and unforgiving than in other periods.

Thinking about periods like this in my own life is not always a place I like to mentally tread while relaxing in the evening, but every once in a while, it’s helpful to do, because it’s in these times that you identify your light, your strengths.

These “lights” can be personal strengths, and also tangible allies and assets that see you out of such a period.

Bear with me for a moment and consider one such time in your life.

Can you remember a time when life felt dark and cold?

Some terms you might use to describe this period are “a long winter,” or in the term “feast or famine,” I’m talking about the leaner time.

Was there something that gave you light in that darkness?

Think about “light,” as in anything that represents beauty, optimism and hope. While it may not be immediately apparent, when you reflect, usually there is at least one glimmer of light in even the coldest dark times.

This Full Moon will light up the sky when the night is the longest, so the Cold Moon can be a great symbol of the light in the dark periods, how important it is to seek it no matter what, and to be grateful for it.

2 - Reflection On The Last Year

The Cold Moon is the last full moon before the New Year so it’s an opportunity to reflect on everything that has happened this past year.

Take some time to sit in silence to contemplate the last 12 months of your life and no matter what happened (or didn’t happen) allow some gratitude to settle in.

Since this is a time of reflecting and letting go to make way for the new, consider ways you can be more tender-hearted and caring. Let go of judgmentalism or unrealistic expectations of your loved ones, and make a space for positive self expression.

Consider ancestral patterns, structures or traditions you’d be willing to let go of or evolve for 2024 to make life more supportive for you and those in it.

Now would be a prime window to also bring any estranged relationships to resolution.

To tap into this Cold Moon’s energies, reflect on how you want to move forward in creating your familial foundations, and perhaps let go of outdated interpersonal dynamics that no longer serve you or those you love.

3 - Embrace Heightened Sensitivity

This Cold Moon is in Cancer, and Cancerians are ruled by the moon, a zodiac known for a high emotional IQ. They’re incredibly caring towards their loved ones and create a nurturing home life. 

This indicates an emphasis on taking care of your emotional needs and your loved ones’ needs. 

This moon could bring forward repressed emotions, bringing an opportunity for holding a greater awareness towards finding inner harmony. You may notice yourself feeling extra sensitive, vulnerable or wanting to protect and safeguard your loved ones.

Because the Cold Moon is also a time to reflect on all that has been in 2023, it can also spark a lot of changes.

People will be naturally in their introspective period, processing, and making new decisions as a result. This can bring about uncertainty, which can create additional sensitivity.

If you notice yourself feeling sensitive, grab your favorite self care tool and use it. You have the time. It could be a cup of tea, a whiff of an essential oil, sitting with your favorite cat or even just a breath of fresh air outside.

Image of winter forest by Amy Art-Dreams from Pixabay

To recap, the December Cold Moon is the last full moon of the year.

Take some time to consider the treasures found in the darkness, reflect on all that has been, embrace your Cancerian nurturing side, and use this time of heightened sensitivity to emotionally get to know your loved ones. 

Consider the Cold Moon as “a cosmic climax,” a time to shed anything that’s distracting or damaging to your higher path and leave it in 2023.

Because this Cold Moon happens during the festive time of Christmas and New Years and it’s in the tender-hearted, family focused sign of Cancer, it can be an ideal time to hold your loved ones close, honoring the emotions of all, and deciding together what you’d like to create moving ahead.

The first full moon in 2024 is the January Wolf Moon and this will be on January 25 in Leo, an optimistic firestarter.

Happy New Year!

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