Amanda Linette Meder

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Shamanic Journeying Tools To Use For Otherworld Travel

Wand: Journey There Wands, Red Jasper Wand with White Sage, Photo courtesy: Amanda Linette Meder

Updated 2021.01.15. Thank you to Autumn Austin for sending the Journeying Wands pictured in this post!

Have you wanted to take your energy work to the next level? Looking for something to help you connect with your inner knowing? 

Sacred tools can help. 

Spirits carry a lot of high-intensity level energy and when you are first sensing them, it can bring any new medium up into a state of elevation.

So I always recommend doing a little grounding work before getting started for this reason. 

Just like you'd use a physical medicine to return to wellness and balance the elements of your physical body, you can use a spiritual medicine tool to harmonize the energy of your spiritual body. 

This is where the use of sacred tools come into play. 

Bringing your energy back down to the earth, grounding, and connecting with nature and primal sounds, you can do that with help from mediumship's other field, shamanism. 

Energy Tools That'll Take You To Another Place

You can use sound to help you get deeper visions, crystals and natural materials to elevate your energy and assist you in achieving a new vibration and working on a spiritual issue and rattles to clear your space. 

Medicine Wands and Pendants

Photo courtesy: Journey There Wands, Labradorite wand with peacock feathers.

Photo courtesy: Journey There Wands, red wand.

Medicine wands combine crystal and animal spirit energy, with other natural materials found from the earth. You can wear them, carry them with you, and use them on clients in your spiritual practice for a variety of issues. 

To me, working with a Medicine Wand is like taking a pinpointed solution to rapidly clear and balance a specific spiritual issue you're working on. 

Like any tool, you can make one yourself or find a skilled practitioner and have one made for you. 

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Rattles and Drums

Rattle: Earnest Efforts Photo courtesy: Sarah Petruno, shamanic rattle on floral background

Photo courtesy: Sarah Petruno, shamanic drum and wand

You can use the sound of drumming to get into a meditative state of mind. 

In fact, many energy professionals and mediums use rhythmic sound to bring them to their sacred space in the other world. 

They can more readily see visions and feel into past life issues, for themselves and others. 


Photo of Celestite, Larimar and other blue stones on white background by Amanda Linette Meder

I place crystals around my home to keep the space clear and vibrating high, and I have a list of recommended crystals that psychic mediums and sensitives may want to consider using here: The 9 Best Crystals For Psychic Mediums.

A favorite of mine is Celestite or any blue crystals, such as those pictured above.

Celestite calms overactive heart chakras and is a great stone for harmonizing emotions and for anyone who feels too much. Place it over your heart when you feel the sensation of overwhelming energy welling up and breathe.

Tools made of natural wood, natural organic material, and natural rock are all great elements to have around when working to clear, ground, and center your energy and the energy of the space around you. 

Whether you are looking to take yourself to another place spiritually in meditation or in your professional work, or to take your space to another place energetically by clearing it, I recommend getting some of these energy work tools from the shamanic tradition and trying them out. 

After all, we're side by side fields (mediumship + shamanism) for a reason, meant to work together and compliment each other on the journey. 

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