Amanda Linette Meder

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Astrological Insights: October 2023 Solar & Lunar Eclipses

Image eclipse in purple and red light by Joseph Woodall from Pixabay

2023 brings four Eclipses. The first set of Eclipses in 2023 was in April and May, and in October we have another set of Eclipses.

The four Eclipses for the year 2023 are as follows:

  • Annular Total SOLAR Eclipse April 20, 0:12:19 at 29 Aries 50

  • Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse May 5, 13:33:50 at 14 Scorpio 58

  • Annular SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 13:54:56 at 21 Libra 08

  • Partial LUNAR Eclipse October 28, 16:23:49 at 5 Taurus 09

Eclipses usually come in pairs, Solar and Lunar, alongside a New and Full Moon.

Think of Eclipses as having the heightened energy of the New Moon or Full Moon they are paired with. The changes that each brings will also be more lasting than with a standard New or Full Moon.

New Moons are about rising energy, seeds being planted and beginnings, where Full Moons are falling energy, completion and endings.

When these energies are paired with an Eclipse, the gains or losses you make during the Eclipse season are more permanent.

For example, with the April New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, this Eclipse was in the first fire sign of the Astrological New Year.

Think of the April 20th Eclipse as igniting something new, planting the seeds for something abundant to grow. You may have initiated something around this time that is now generating results. This first Solar Eclipse was an incredibly benevolent Eclipse.

Think back to seeds that you planted around that time and recall if you noticed any major growth since the spring New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Now go back to May 5th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.

See if you can recall any major events that took place in your life around this time, surrounding the themes of letting go, culmination points, endings or loss. 

Was there a relationship that changed? A business that changed? A way of living that is now different than before that time? Look at your calendar to drum up your memories from around that time.

With Full Moons, you are letting go, something is ending and with a Lunar Eclipse, you’ll usually break away from something with long-lasting effects.

The spring Lunar Eclipse was in the intuitive water sign of Scorpio, so perhaps the ending was more emotional than tangible.

Now let’s explore the upcoming October Eclipses:

Image of eclipse arc in landscape by Daniel Roberts from Pixabay with text overlay Astrological Insights: October 2023 Solar & Lunar Eclipses

October 14: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

This Eclipse will be visible over the Oregon to Texas skies. 

In the US, it starts on Saturday morning October 14th and will last for 1.5 hours, with the ring of fire being viewable for 1- 4 minutes, depending on your viewing location. 

If you’re viewing the Eclipse, remember: follow all Solar Eclipse safety precautions. 

The October New Moon Solar Eclipse is in the Air sign of Libra, represented by the scales of balance and the planet of beauty, Venus.

What to expect for the 2023 October 14th Solar Eclipse:

You may experience a new beginning in an area of your life that will bring more balance and beauty to your experience.

This Eclipse could bring new intentions with the way you present yourself in the world. You may start a new beauty routine, or commit deeper into it, you also may change up your wardrobe.

As you move into this Solar Eclipse, think about areas of your life that could use some more balance and be open to building a new foundation in this area.

An opportunity may come that will make things easier in a realm of your life where there has been stress. Since this Eclipse is in an Air sign, the new beginning may first arrive as an idea or a thought.

Remain open to offers that come your way within the Eclipse window of one week before and after the event that could bring in greater balance and beauty.

October 28: Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Image of fantasy eclipse in mountain landscape by Jensen Art Co from Pixabay

This Eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Eastern North America, much of South America and Antarctica.

In the US, it starts on Saturday morning October 28th ending early Saturday evening.

My favorite Eclipses are Lunar Eclipses, because I love when things come to completion. I love endings because I tend to have a positive expectation about what new beginning will follow.

This Lunar Eclipse will represent letting go in an area governed by Taurus, an Earth sign, also ruled by the planet Venus and represented by the bull.

The bull can often represent a time of pushing forward and growth. Taurus can also symbolize prosperity, stability, resources and values. Because it’s an Earth sign, it can also symbolize our local environment and our body.

What to expect for the 2023 October 28th Lunar Eclipse:

This Eclipse can bring something to a culmination point, an ending or a completion in an area of your life that represents one of these themes: growth, forward progression, prosperity, stability, resources and values.

If you have avoided closing the door on something related to material prosperity or your resources, the Universe may end it for you.

A series of events may run their course. You may need to let go of something you thought would bring prosperity, resources and stability, but hasn’t yet or doesn’t anymore. A partnership that represents these things may fade away.

Your values surrounding ideas of what security and growth can mean may change, your physical body and home may need care from you.

This would be an Eclipse where you may want to lay low, so you can take care of anything that pops up. You may want to avoid travel and simply ride out this Eclipse in your comfort zone.

All in all, both of these Eclipses have the opportunity to be powerful catalysts for change, bringing in new beginnings in areas of balance and beauty, and shifting out old perspectives in themes of prosperity and stability.

Both Eclipses are in signs ruled by the planet Venus, which indicate that the changes you experience will bring a heightened level of beauty to your life, which we could all use a bit more of.

To find out the exact time the Eclipses will be visible near you, enter your location into this Moon Phases calculator and scroll down to input your location information.

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