Amanda Linette Meder

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9 Signs Angels Are Around You

Photo of pink clouds by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Updated 2022.03.28

Asking Angels for signs? Looking for signs Angels are around you? In this post, I talk about the most common signs from the Angelic Realm.

Angels are messengers of peace, wisdom, and insight.

In the earlier days of film, they were depicted usually as white men with wings, and while Angels can appear and act through white men, they typically they first appear as light, and then later form into any manifestation you'll have them in.

Taller than giants when you see them in your mind's eye, they support and help you find the light, even in the darkest of places, they also love to assist you in being the light.

While you can spend years and years learning how to channel messages from Angels and fine-tuning your ability to connect with the Divine, your Guardian Angels are connecting with you – providing you with wisdom, direction, and angelic healing energy, and as long as you're open to it, you don’t have to do anything at all to receive it.

Flashes of light though, are only one sign, there are a few more.

So without further ado here are the 9 signs -

Photo of pink clouds by Madison Inouye from Pexels with text overlay 9 Signs Angels Are Around You

9. You see bright flashes of light

Angels will often appear as bright flashes of light that you can often see with your natural eyes in addition to your third eye.

Occasionally, Angels will appear as colored lights, and this usually signifies who they are and which energy they represent.

Different wavelengths of light typically represent different ideas, thoughts, and even feelings, so as do the Angels when they appear this way.

These flashes of light can appear to you, usually in the peripheral of your vision, at or above eye level and can look like a glare off of a mirror with no sun around, or a bit of glitter, or kind of like a bright white smoke. They can also look like little orbs.

8. Ringing in your ears

Many times when we learn something, we don’t need to know the information right away... but whatever we learn comes in handy – always – at some point, in the near or distant future.

While your Angels can deliver information, guidance, and insight to you through friends, books, and classes – they also like to give you direct ‘downloads’ of divine wisdom.

Since you aren’t meant to use the guidance and insight right at that moment, but your Angels want you to be aware of their presence – they will give you a sign that this angelic information is being delivered to you right at this time – to be stored in your consciousness for later use.

This angelic download, while often not available for you to understand or comprehend right then can be experienced. For most of us, this experience is a ringing in the ears. It can be almost silent, reminiscent of more of a buzz. Sometimes, it may even feel similar to your ears popping.

7. Sudden sensations of tingling

During meditation or just during the regular workday, you may notice tingling sensations.

Guardian Angels will often connect with your energy, and when they do, it often can feel like a tingly or buzzy feeling – because they are lifting your energy as they connect, so you may feel this abrasion on your energy field as it happens.

This tingling can also appear when you get something right, some see it as a validation that those in the unseen realms agree with you.

While I notice this sensation near the crown of my head, you may notice the sensation of your Angels near your shoulders, the back of your neck, or your upper arms.

6. Zoning in on beauty on a bad day

Guardian Angels like to remind you of beauty – especially when you are having a hard time seeing it.

When was the last time you were sad, upset, angry, or a grouch... and suddenly noticed a beautiful sunset, a butterfly, a blossoming flower, a line of geese flying overhead, a warm breeze, or a baby playing?

Angels are the masters at helping you snap out of this lower state, and assisting to bring you back up to a higher vibrational state – and many times, all it takes is one sign.

If you are snapped out of it to notice something beautiful, pass on the love by pointing it out for others and being the angel someone else needs today.

5. You go on guidance monologues

There are many times when we allow the Angels to speak through us, without full awareness and even this can be a sign of their presence.

  • Do you have the ability to provide yourself with guidance, wisdom, and insight, even when you are going through a difficult time?

  • Can you see the lesson in a situation and point it out to yourself and others (even if you don’t want to admit it)?

  • Do you find yourself offering soulful wisdom to yourself and others?

  • Do you often ask others for this information you so readily provide whilst being met with silence?

Consider you may be channeling guidance.

Anytime you are delivering information and providing support from a more loving and compassionate place, you are often connecting with the Angelic Realm.

Many healers tap into this while working in hospitals, at clinics, and in service roles.

Photo of rainbow coming down through evergreen trees by Egor Kamelev from Pexels

4. You were paused for compassionate listening

Do you seem to draw people to you that want to tell you their story, and you listen – many times, not saying much at all?

Even if you were in the middle of a fight with someone, have you ever just stopped, pulled back, and realized what this person needed was to be listened to?

Then, somehow, the fight fizzled out.

Guardian Angels are the masters at dissolving tension, by reminding you to open your heart and your ears.

They will often gently nudge and remind you to have compassion, only by listening to and understanding others, by stopping what you are doing and compassionately listening, often, this is a sign you're working with your angelic side almost instantly now.

It may help to reminiscence on how you were even five years ago if you were never able to pull yourself out of a fight before, and now you can, this too is a sign you're connecting more and more to your spirits than ever before.

3. You stayed out of harm's way

Your Angels are making sure that you are kept safe, secure, and protected, and often, this means you are pulled out and rescued from out of troublesome situations, just in the nick of time.

Been distracted while driving, then suddenly looked up, and drew your attention back to the road, right before an event could’ve happened?

Ever knew something was dangerous or someone was untrustworthy, and then they were?

Angels are protecting you in situations that may have otherwise been dangerous – such as walking alone home at night or being stranded in a strange place.

Just two months ago, my car broke down late in the evening over a holiday weekend while traveling.

With no money to spend the night and my credit card number just being stolen without access to it until after the weekend, I was sure I’d be sleeping in my vehicle until morning – and at that moment, a 4th generation horse farrier showed up – with all the tools in his truck to fix my car.

If I had pulled into any other gas station or made any other stops along my way, it may have been much different.

2. Unexpected courage and strength

Angels will always encourage you to stretch your boundaries, especially when it comes to courageous acts.

All courageous acts are acts of pure, unconditional love that require strength and resolve – right at the moment.

A courageous act may be simply telling someone else how you feel, exposing your emotions and true nature to another person, or risking yourself for another being.

No matter what your courageous act is, whenever it happens, you may have felt like you had no choice, or you had to do this thing – with no explanation for why or how you did it, you simply did.

Your Angels may have already known you were ready to take this leap in opening your heart, and they likely assisted in pushing you to make the jump.

1. Abundance starts to flow in

Your Angels are always trying to offer you abundance, but for most of us, when we think of abundance, we think of more money.

Often times, rather than giving you money, your Angels are providing you with abundance by nudging you to develop natural gifts that you have (intuitive, spiritual, creative, or otherwise), providing you with great ideas that can make you income, or by providing you with unexpected gifts, shelter, love, and support.

Many times, we dismiss offerings of abundance, by rejecting gifts from others or because we're expecting abundance to come in one particular way. When we do this, we are turning down the gifts of the Angels.

Even if your abundance looks like a simple offer for a co-worker to take you out to lunch – say thank you, and go.

Besides, you may be expecting an opportunity to come from a certain direction, such as ways to make new income at your current job, like getting a raise or a promotion.

However, instead, the Angels might be giving you ideas to start a business you’ve always dreamed of or write a book.

While at the moment this is a gift of a new idea or opportunity and not money, it could lead to abundance in all aspects of your life – self-love, satisfaction, fulfillment in your life’s purpose, and a way for you to be provided for.

So to recap, the 9 signs angels are with you

Photo of pink clouds, cotton candy sky by Ithalu Dominguez from Pexels

  1. You see bright flashes of light

  2. Ringing in your ears

  3. Sudden sensations of tingling

  4. Zoning in on beauty on a bad day

  5. You go on guidance monologues

  6. You were paused for compassionate listening

  7. You stayed out of harm's way

  8. Unexpected courage and strength

  9. Abundance starts to flow in

These are just a few ways Angels and the divine blessings they bring can show up in our lives, and Angels can and do often act through the means of other human means, just as they were indeed trying to reference in those old films.

That many times, the Angels we are looking for are often right around us in plain sight.

So while you continue to develop your connection with your Angels, take a moment of pause and remind yourself that many times, you’re already connected.

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