Amanda Linette Meder

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Can the dead communicate with the living?

Photo of woman at the end of a heart shaped cave near water by Digital Photo and Design from Pixabay

Updated 2021.01.06

Can the dead contact the living? In this post I discuss how to contact a deceased loved one, and why it works. 

Everyone on Earth is part of a soul group.

This soul group is a collection of individuals who came onto this Earth to grow, ascend to joy, love, and experience full life with you.

It’s your group of friends, family and lovers that came onto this Earth with you to learn the lessons of being a human, and to figure out how to love and exist.

In many cases, the people in your soul group also share your same spiritual DNA.

Your soul group contains your cohorts, your relatives, and your family members. They also share your wavelength of existence and understanding. The people in your soul group make up who you are. A part of them is a part of you.

Communication without words among people who are in your soul group is easier than with those who are not, because these people know just how to get through to you on a soul level, on a behavioral level, and in many cases, on an attention level. 

Because of this, deceased loved ones in your "soul group" get how to communicate with you, likely moreso than other Spirits do, who may have to experiment with different ways on how to get your attention. 

This is why when a person who is in your soul group crosses over into Spirit, they can communicate with you pretty easily.

They know what to say, how to say it, when you’ll notice, what you care about, what tone to use, when they better not, and what you’d find funny. They know the signs you’d appreciate, the things that might scare you, and your favorite songs.

They get you. They know you. And they understand how to communicate with you in a way you’ll understand.

This is often why mediums will say that everyone can communicate with their own loved ones who have crossed. 

It’s because they share your special soul language with you and it's just easier. 

So yes - the deceased can communicate with the living because they are part of your soul group, and thus a part of you.

Because the relationship of a soul group goes beyond form and into energy, we can sense what those in our soul group say and dream about forever.

Now, what if you want to branch out and start communicating with deceased people, spirits and animal guides who are NOT in your soul group?

You can! It’s possible, especially if you are already sensing your own Loved Ones in Spirit.

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