Amanda Linette Meder

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Past, Present, Or Future: How Can You Tell In A Reading?

Photo of the painted desert in New Mexico at sun down with a ray of light coming through the clouds

Updated 2022.06.27

In readings, those in Spirit attempt to deliver messages through you to another.

To do this, they often use images. Psychic images depicting what the message is within my internal vision (mind’s eye) or with my external vision (right in front of my face).

This is called clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance, while an intuitive ability, is also a spiritual communication tool. Those in Spirit can use your clairvoyant abilities, whether this is in dreams or in meditation to communicate with you.

They can transfer images within their mind, their essence, to images within your mind, your essence. And within these images, are often scenes that are designed to depict and portray an overall message.

The messages that those in Spirit can deliver are vast and wide, and there is no real boundary on when or where those in Spirit will pull their messages from in order to deliver to you the most important information that needs to be heard now.

Past, Present And Future

In a reading, those in Spirit could bring up an issue from early childhood in order to be cleared. It could be a future career door opening, that your Angels want to wave in your face to you to keep moving forward and to restore your hope.

It could be a relationship pattern that has transcended time and space, and here you are, seeing images from what appears to be a past life.

When you are relaying this information to another person, or simply trying to interpret the Spirit’s messages for yourself, it can really help to narrow down the time-frame in which the current image is in reference to.

I mean, are we talking about a child I already have or one that I am going to have next year?

These are questions commonly asked by advanced psychics even in readings. 

So, how do you know if what you are seeing, hearing or receiving is for past, present or future? 

How do you know if Spirit is discussing something that has happened in the far past (such as past life), in the recent past (such as yesterday), or in the current moment or in the future?

The Concept Of Time

First, we have to make the distinction between Physical Time and Spiritual Time.

Photo of steampunk gears prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

Physical Time VS. Spiritual Time

Physical Time is what pretty much everyone in a physical body operates on and understands their life by. This is what is known as a calendar system, measuring time by years, months, weeks, days and hours. Typically, when you are wondering when something is going to happen, you are wondering about Physical Time.

Spiritual Time is what your Spirit is operating on. At this time, everyone’s perception of the present moment is different. If something happened to you 8 years ago in Physical Time, but it still affects you now, in spirit and in energy, it is still happening to you in the present moment, in Spiritual Time.

If you are thinking about anticipating something you want to happen in the Physical Time future, it is something that is currently occurring within your thoughts on a soul level. This is something that is within the present moment, on the calendar of Spiritual Time.

When Spirit brings up something in a reading, regardless of if it happened 300 years ago in a past life or if it’s going to happen 10 years from the future in this life, it is usually something that is currently occurring within your Spirit - in the present time.

It is something that affects your thoughts, behaviors, feelings, actions and inactions now.

Some Angel shows you a relationship fight from 6 years ago? It’s still happening, within someone’s heart and mind. It is a current event on the Spiritual Plane. This is a present event in Spirit Time. 

The point of asking Spirit for help and assistance with anything at all, is to assist us to grow, learn and excel, in both planes of time - in both the physical world and the spiritual world.

Many times, for things to occur for you in a timely fashion in the physical world, things have to also occur in a timely fashion in Spirit Time.

- Spirit Time Example - 

You see an image of a man kicking another man in the lower back.

This is something that you could be seeing as a sign that this issue needs to be brought to the forefront in either your consciousness or the consciousness of the person who you received this image for. It could be either a spiritual event - such as metaphorically ‘kicking someone when they’re down’ - or a physical event, such as actual bodily impact.

It could also be presently happening in spiritual time as a recurring memory from childhood, thought or action or presently happening in physical time as something that happened just yesterday.

I am selecting an emotional incident here because these are events often lodged in a person’s energy field and affecting their lives in readings. 

It’s important to note that sometimes the incidents you see in a psychic reading are metaphoric, which Spirit has described, is to preserve a person’s privacy and dignity. So an actual kick may actually be a psychic energy or psychic action that has a similar effect.

The Concepts Of Past, Present Or Future

These concepts only exist in Physical Time. Anything that is being brought into consciousness with your intuitive senses or through your spiritual connection is happening in the current moment in Spiritual Time, at the very least. 

Something that happened 5 years ago, can affect your Spiritual existence now. As could something that is going to happen 5 years from now.

But the key to clearing something, is to knowing what that something is, right?

To clear it, you have to be able to pin-point it. This is where identifying the physical event in the past, present or future comes in.

If you are doing a reading, or see an image in a dream or meditation, and a person can’t identify it, you can ask the Spirit who is showing it to you, such as your Guide or Angel, to show you when.

Once you know when, then a client can start to identify with the energy and go back to the feeling of what went on so it can be released.

Before identifying any messages in the psychic world, it’s always important to ground and clear first, and remember that all visions are honored and also seen by God or Source, and that all things seen in a reading are between you, your Spirit World, and your client. 

Meaning, you want to respect all psychic energy and what it shows you with the same love and respect you have with something that you identify with as Source Energy. Basically, when you begin, set the intent to treat all clients and energy you see for them, as you would a precious child.

Now for an activity ~

Photo of black sand in hourglass by Yahya Hasan from Pexels

How To Identify Where An Intuitive Message Or Image Applies In Physical Time

Ball of Light

After a meditation and energy clearing, ask to see a ball of light within your mind’s eye to indicate time on a psychic image in meditation.

On the left = Past

On the right = Future

In the center = Current

I use this one a lot in pregnancy readings.

Set of 3 Tarot Cards

Ask to see, in your mind's eye, a set of three tarot cards. Same as before:

On the left = Past

On the right = Future

In the center = Current

Then ask, your Spirit Guides or Angels to ‘flip over’ the card in which this message, imagery or information relates. 

The card that is flipped over can indicate if The Spirit World is referring to an event in the past, present or future, to assist you in clearing it. To clear it, energetically, you often have to identify where it is in your timeline, so you can identify those patterns and release them.

I like this one when trying to pinpoint if an emotional event is over or ongoing, so that I can recommend psychic protection or energy raising techniques if necessary for a current event.

Historical Timeline

Ask to be shown a historical tick mark timeline, and using the same technique as above, ask your Spirit Guides or Angels to put your tick mark on the timeline in the appropriate location, to indicate when the image they are showing you occurs in physical time.

This is a good one only if you see clairvoyant numbers or signs and have experience with clairvoyant viewing in great detail. 

Sometimes in lieu of this technique, I use the Family Tree Method, and it will tell me where the source information comes from, and help me develop a connection to the Spirit with the Client.

If a Client can’t identify the Speaker in Spirit, they will often reject any message that comes through, which is why identification is key, especially if you are doing Past, Present, Future readings with The Spirit World as your guide.

Final point on Past, Present, Future Readings

Past, Present, Or Future: How Can You Tell In A Reading? text overlay photo of steampunk gears prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

Many times, it really helps the client when you see an image, if you can show them the Origin, or Source, where the energy in the reading came from, meaning identifying the speaker of the information, images or energy.

The Source of the energy in a reading, often called The Spirit Speaker, usually has to be someone a client trusts and loves and they know this energy loves them forever, especially in mediumship readings. If you can identify an Ancestor or an undeniable Deceased Loved One for a person to connect with it, all messages hold greater weight.

This is often why I do identification of Spirit Speakers in the beginning of prophecy readings and if a Client can identify who they have with them, and are comfortable with who is present spiritually, we move ahead.

Thinking about seeing into your soul’s timeline or a client asking for information on theirs?

These above techniques are helpful to get a deeper understanding of the why behind an event to clear it and can be very calming for a client who senses an energy is affecting them, but they need additional eyes, and prefer psychic ones, to know what.

I suggest trying these techniques the next time you see a perplexing psychic image in meditation and you are uncertain as to when a psychic or spiritual image, message or event has, will or is currently, taking place.

One you pinpoint an event, then it can be cleared, illuminated or focused upon for growth. 

With the knowledge of when something has occurred in Physical Time, it can then be released within Spiritual time. 

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